ESE625 Advanced Classroom Management Strategies
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Module Three

Reading Three: Structure


Praxis Four
Positive Structure

  1. Note and discuss those areas which feel shaky or which will emerge as later objectives in implementation.
  2. Review the included Parent Handbook Summary. Revise as needed and add materials essential for personal use or for publication in the school handbook.

Preparing the Classroom
Arrange and organize classroom
Clarify expectations for behavior
Include different modalities - whole class presentation, lecture, discussion,
teacher led small group, coop. learning, independent or project work seat work, transitional activities,
Develop work procedures - communication and recall of assignments, make-up work
from absence, incomplete or poor quality work, homework, monitoring own work, group work, assisting those with difficulties, negotiating assignments, cooperative learning, individualized activities, centers - art, music, science, reading
Provide feedback to students about progress, grades, failure, record keeping
Plan consequences - rewards and results of choices
Communicate expectations and practice expected behaviors
Explore and develop relationship skills - self-esteem, PEPSI, individual needs, teacher-student camaraderie,
Process education- encourage social skills, life skills, study skills, communication skills

Preparing students for Responsible Participation
Consider students' concerns
Lead the class
Set rules (when possible, together) and agree upon them and what they mean
Describe choices of roles and consequences or outcomes of those choices
State rules positively - three to six, clarify meanings and provide rationale
Set procedures and practice them as they come on line
Give overview of the scope and sequence and work requirements
Provide a method for students to communicate personal needs for changes in assignments and development of alternative learning activities
Provide students with successes from the first day
Provide students with means for self evaluation and validation of such practices
Set up accountability and practice and reinforce the utilization from first day
Establish norms which help establishment of relationships immediately

Work together to maintain good discipline
Monitor entire classroom --- vigilance, propinquity, "withitness", eye contact, redirection
Teach students self monitoring and recognize them for successes
Handle inappropriate behaviors promptly and dispassionately
Watch to see if teacher responses defuse or escalate behaviors
Change actions if escalation occurs with troubled student or spreads to others
Maintain unobtrusive presence during "on-task" time
Communicate with parents from the first day - note home, call, etc.
Model appropriate self control
Call students to control self -Give "I" messages, nonverbal signals
Prepare appropriate, meaningful work
Use effective teaching skills -presentation, pacing, involvement and interaction, continuity, organization, enthralling, hands-on oriented
Reward students using a wide range of modalities - social, tangible, intrinsic
Develop ways to vent frustration without a punitive behavior set

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