Module Four
Activity Two
These points are helpful when discussed as part of learning and understanding the diagnostic experience. The questions are the same as Reading Two.
Directions: Answer two of the following questions after discussing them with a peer or professional. Keep your answer brief – 100 – 300 words. Send them to the professor using the response box.
Ethics of the process:
- Is it ethical for a teacher to determine a diagnosis and then begin to use it without an official psychological evaluation process?
- If a medical doctor provides a prescription for a student for depression or anxiety, does that constitute an accurate diagnostic procedure? Is it ok at that point to begin saying the child has a specific classification? Would you then classify the child as EBD and place them in special education?
- Can you explain to peers in the child’s class that s/he has a diagnosis and speak openly about the medications and treatment involved?
- Who should know about the DSM-IV and have access to the material in the schools?
Go to Activity Three