Cross-Cultural Dance Resources
Cross-Cultural Dance Resources is located in Flagstaff, Arizona. CCDR is a non-profit organization established in 1981. Professor Joann W. Kealiinohomoku PhD. co-founded Cross-Cultural Dance Resources and she is presently the Executive Director. CCDR is directed by a board of directors, whose mission is to bring Cross Cultural dance to Flagstaff and to support dance in Flagstaff and beyond. CCDR works with the Arizona Humanities Council to bring different cultural dance to Flagstaff.
CCDR is a Concept
Dance, defined broadly, occurs in every human society. Because all human universals are critical to societal maintenence, CCDR acknowledges that dance in not expendable. CCDR is dedicated to learning WHY dance is universal and WHY it is not expendable. It does this through programs that research dance, and it shares its findings with the public and with scholars. CCDR is a Non-Profit Corpoartion for Consultation, Performance, and Research. Our purposes are charitable and educational: by promoting dance performances and research; by preserving and researching dance materials; by promoting a dynamic environment for dance events; by welcoming discussion and consultation.
CCDR has also developed the use of Silhougraphs. In the late 1960's Dr. Kealiinohomoku rendered photos of dancers into silhouettes. Dancers create shapes with their bodies, their costumes, and their paraphernalia. Several Silhougraphs, reduced in size, are featured throughout this web site. What can you tell about these dancers?
CCDR is a Place
The CCDR facility is located within easy walking distance of downtown Flagstaff, Arizona and the Northern Arizona University.
The facility includes:
- A library with nearly 10,000 shelved items, that include books, journals and pamphlets about Anthropology, Dance, Ethnology, Folklore, Musicology, Native Americans, and many many more.
- Audio Visual Archive that houses commercial and research sound recordings; slides; films; and videotapes.
- Gertrude Prokosch Kurath Collection that includes manuscripts, costumes, and works by Gertrude P. Kurath.
CCDR is Energy and Activates Events
CCDR taps into the affective values of human Living that make life worth while, as they are exposed through the performing arts.
CCDR is sustained by the dance energy that permeates its space; by the people who participate with, at, and for CCDR; by the pervasive knowledge that dance is alive and viable throughout the world. Would you like to be a member? CCDR has also been vitalized by the energies brought by its annual Research Choreographer-in-Residence.
CCDR activates events. CCDR has been instrumental in bringing vital dance energies and oppurtunities to Flagstaff.
CCDR has a Vision
CCDR's vision is that the understanding of people, as expressed through dance and all the performing arts, will contribute to personal well-being and global peace.
CCDR envisions an increasing popular, holistic appreciation of dance, and an ever greater scholarly attention on dance.
Founded to exist in perpentuity, CCDR envisions expansion, especially;
by establishing regional offices throughout the state and elsewhere.
As monies become available for publication, CCDR has several manuscripts in preparation.
Oppurtunites and provisions for more interns and residents.
More collaboration with other organizations. Greater use of CCDR as a resource by individuals and groups who are interested in cultural diversity and multi-culturalism.
CCDR needs land and monies in order to build a larger facility, performance space and housing for residents and guest artists.
If you would like to contact the director then please contact us at this address or by e-mail.
Cross-Cultural Dance Resources
518 S. Agassiz St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001-5711
Gertrude P.Kurath
Celebrate Flagstaff
Dancing Links