The Evaluation Rubric

  Use this criteria to evaluate yourself and your group.











 Define the Problem/ 

Vague and unfocused understanding of assignment or problem 

Some clarity is evident, but some elements of the problem have not been considered

Clear and  complete understanding of the assignment/ problem

Additional or unexpected features  support understanding of the assignment/ problem


 Identify a goal

Makes little effort to identify a goal or identifies goals unrelated to  intended outcome 

Goal is identified, but does not take all issues of the situation into consideration 

Identifies a goal that reflects understanding of the situation and intended outcome

Identifies a goal that reflects deep understandings of the parameters  of the situation and intended outcome


Gather information

 Ineffective use of resources; unable to analyze information effectively or components of assignment are missing

Some use of resources and some components have been analyzed. 

Effective location and use of resources and competent analysis of information 

Extensive and effective location and use of resources and extensive analysis of information


 Generate solutions

Incomplete or ineffective selection of alternative solutions 

Demonstrate minimal account of alternative solutions 

Demonstrates an adequate account of alternative solutions 

 Demonstrates an exhaustive account of alternative solutions


Evaluate the alternatives

Little effort to evaluate effectiveness of alternatives; failure to take other perspectives into account

Identified constraints may not be related to the goal or failure to identify constraints 

Evaluation makes a surface attempt to address alternatives from some perspectives.

Constraints are vaguely identified. 

Adequate evaluation of alternatives from  most  perspectives

Identifies constraints related to the goal along with some ways of overcoming them

Insightful and thorough evaluation of alternatives from a variety of perspectives

Identifies additional constraints related to the goal along with creative ways of overcoming them


Select best alternative 

Unaware of different strategies or chooses a strategy without comparing it to other strategies 


Chooses a strategy with minimal support for the choice. 



Chooses an appropriate strategy and supports the choice with a research-based rationale for the choice



Chooses an appropriate strategy and supports the choice with an extensive research-based rationale for the choice.



Group Dynamics No evidence that the team members  facilitated a collaborative decision-making process Team members worked together throughout the process with minimal collaborative decision-making. Team members attitudes and work ethic promoted collaborative decision-making Collaborative decision-making permeated every aspect of the team work.  
Presentation The quality of the presentation reflects significant confusion about the situation and fails to solve the problem

Presentation is not of a professional quality

The quality of the product reflects some  understanding of  the situation and suggests a solution to the problem

Presentation displays some professional quality


The quality of the product reflects an understanding of  the situation and suggests a solution to the problem

Presentation is of an adequate  professional quality

The quality of the product reflects deep understanding of  the situation and suggests a well-supported solution to the problem

Presentation exemplifies professionalism


 Self Evaluation

 Superficial evaluation of  the process and/or outcome

Evaluation of the task lacks detail of either the process or outcome. 

Thorough evaluation of the task including both the process and the outcome  

 Evaluation of the task including both the process and the outcome with insight into future applications of the learning.