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ENG302 : The Class : The Process : Prose Style : Respond
Responding To Each Other

From time to time, please check in to the VCC to respond to each other's work on the Group Project. When you review what the others have written, don't hesistate to step in to revise and build upon each other's ideas. As you get closer to having a finished product, Begin checking the products for mechanical errors.

The VCC lends itself perfectly to groupwork such as this. Another way you may wish to do this is to email each other and attach documents to which more ideas can be added and revised.

Besides having a thoroughly researched and well executed product when the project is complete, I want you to have the experience of working together as a team through this medium. Geographical, time, and vocational factors can be put aside. Work together, communicate, and put together an impressive product!

Once you have finished spending time in the VCC, you should:

Go on to the Web Activity
Go back to Effective Prose Style in Technical Reports

E-mail Greg Larkin at Gregory.Larkin@nau.edu
or call (520) 523-4911

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