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ENG302 : The Class : Rhetoric : Molding Form : Group Project
Continue Group Project

To complete this assignment successfully, you should:

  1. Study the assignment carefully
  2. Complete the assignment as directed

Group Assignment

Continue to work on the group project, exploring the company on the web and studying the products. All groups should have a strong working knowledge of this, and Group One should have a well established rough draft of the problem situation by September 29. Group Two should be reviewing the company and its products carefully, and should check in to see the progress of Group One’s rough draft. Group Two should be thinking about how you want to approach the problem analysis. Your work, Group Two, should be posted by October 5. Group Three should start to communicate about what they would like to accomplish with their task. Group Four should be doing the company research also, but will need to wait until the previous three groups have posted their drafts before they can do their work.

As the work is posted in the items, please visit the project frequently. When you visit, please make notes of how you would like to see the work in progress polished. If there is a strong point that you like, help each other. Let’s use this medium to establish the communication we would have in a regular classroom situation. Talk about it by posting comments accordingly. (Remember, part of your grade will be earned by posting your comments in the VCC.) When the group members read your comments, they may be able to make it even stronger. When you see an error, let them know. They may have missed it at first, and your comment may be just what they need to make the correction.

Each individual group will be responsible for the final format of their component of this project, however, the grade earned for each item will be the grade earned for each person involved in this project. If you see something that needs work, please don’t hesitate to let your opinion be known. You are a team, and one objective is to make a great final product for your team.

Once you have completed this assignment, you should:

Go on to Explore Technical Writing Sites on WWW
Go back to The form topic page

E-mail Greg Larkin at Gregory.Larkin@nau.edu
or call (520) 523-4911

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