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ENG302 : The Class : Rhetoric : Situations : Profiles
Company Profiles

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Creating Company Profiles

After reviewing each of the companies highlighted in the Web assignment for this topic, present a summarizing profile for four of them.

1. These profiles should include basic information such as the locations, the products for which the company is known, the management structure, procedures to follow for applying for a job through human resources, and any other pertinent information you find.

Describe your impression of each website. If you were applying for a position with this firm, would you feel that you found enough information to help you understand the company’s structure? Was it easy to navigate? Was it visually appealing? What questions do you feel should have been addressed after reading all of the information?

Each profile will be worth 25 points, and will be graded on the basis of clarity, conciseness, coherence, and correctness.

Company Profile #1:

2. Company Profile #2:

3. Company Profile #3:

4. Company Profile #4:

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your Email address:

Once you have filled in all of the areas above, click the Send the assignment button below to send the assignment to the instructor.


E-mail Greg Larkin at Gregory.Larkin@nau.edu
or call (520) 523-4911

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