To complete this assignment successfully, you should:
DUE: At the end of Module 2
Group Assignment
Each of you will take part in a group assignment. This assignment will be completed during the next few weeks as you work through Modules One and Two. There will be several steps for you to follow, and most of the work will be posted as a common item in the VCC, making it available to each person in the class. A schedule will be posted and directions will be given, so you will know exactly what to do to complete your part of the project.
This project is designed to be completed by a team of people, to simulate an assignment that would be expected of you in a typical business setting.
After reading this page, go to the VCC and find an item (file) labeled "Company Problem". This is the common "item" where each component of this project will be located, and where you will post your work.
E-mail Greg Larkin at
or call (520) 523-4911
Copyright 1998
Northern Arizona University