Grading for English 313w
English 313w
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General Grading for English 313w

English 313w is a writing intensive course. You will write and revise throughout the term. You will also practice presenting your work to your peers and perfecting your library research. You will use powerpoint and other technological tools for papers and presentations. You will be graded on how well you make rhetorical sense of the readings and apply that knowledge to your own research. You are to write analyses, arguments, but NOT book reports. I discourage using private and personal religous teachings as evidence, support, or arguments as there is little to discuss besides your private and personal beliefs. You are, however, encouraged to use rhetorical principles on religous documents as you are expected to analyze language and what action this language may or may not lead to. As will all writing, I highly recommend you sign up for English 100, (1 credit, C/NC) and wowrk on your writing with a Writing Consultant at NAU's Writing Center (it's free).

The following is a breakdown of how yoru work will be graded. A grading rubric for the papers is also available.

Writing Assignments Paper 1 (Define Peace): 20 points    
  Paper 2 (Peaceful Solutions): 20 points  
  Proposal (For Final Paper/Project/Presentation) 20 points  
  Paper 3 (Peaceful Leaders): 20 points  
  Progress Report: 15 points  
  Paper 4 (Revised Paper): 20 points  
  Paper 5 (Final Researched Paper) : 30 points  
  Response Papers: 2 @ 5 points (10 points)  
  Peace Pin-Up: 5 points  
Presentations Pair/Group Presentation 1: 10 points Final Grade Breakdown
  Pair/Group Presentation 2: 10 points
A = 250-245
  Solo 1: 10 points
B = 244-235
  Solo Final: 15 points
C = 234-225
D = 224-215
Project Final Project: 20 points
F = 214 and below
NOTE: -35 points is an F.
-35 points is the Final Paper and 1 presentation or a combination thereof.
Conferences 3 Face-to-Face Meetings with Professor Barron:
5 points each, 15 points total


Attendance in this class includes attendance online.

10 points total — -5 points for each day after 2 absences