English 313w, Syllabus
  Week and Date Theme What to have Read What to have Done What We'll Do
1 August 30/ Tuesday Rhetorical Principles THE ONLY DAY YOU DO NOT NEED TO COME TO CLASS PREPARED.

Introduction to Course
Introduction to Peers


September 01/ TH

If you are unfamiliar with WebCT-Keep Friday mornings available for WebCT consultation.

  Rhetoric (online)

What is Rhetoric?

A Brief History of Rhetoric
The Argument

Additional Work for Further Study
Rhetoric (Stanford)

Lecture: Rhetoric
In-Class Writing/Discussion
2 September 06/ T  

From The Power of Nonviolence (the black book)
Zinn, Howard. "Introduction." pp vii-x.
Buddha. " Let a Man Overcome Anger with Love." pp 3-5.
Penn, William. "Essay Towards the Present and Future Peace of Europe." pp 5-7.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. from "War." pp 8-14.

Notes from Reading

Multiple Intelligences (skim become familiar with terms)

Student Presentations

Lecture: 7 Multiple Intelligences

  September 08/ TH From TPoN
Henry David. ""Civil Disobedience." pp 15-36.

Notes from Reading

Response Paper 1 (hard copy)

Student Presentations
3 September 13/ T

From TPoN
Jane. from "Newer Ideals of Peace." pp 39-41.
Nearing, Scott. from "The Trial of Scott Nearing and the American Socialist Society." pp 42-44.
Ghandi, Mohandas K. "My Faith in Nonviolence." pp 45-46.

From Architects of Peace (large white book)
Collopy, Michael. "Introduction."
Cronkite, Walter. "Foreword."
Student Presentations
  September 15/ TH

From TPoN
Dorothy. "Pacifism." pp 47-49.
Day, Dorothy. "Our Country Passes from Undeclared War to Declared War;..." pp 50-52.
Simone. from "Reflections on War." pp 53-56.
Camus, Albert. "Neither Victims nor Executioners." pp. 57-73.

From Architects of Peace (large white book)
Angelou, Maya. p 14.
Mandela, Nelson. p 17.

Notes from Reading
Paper 1 "Peace Defined" (7 pages)
Student Presentations
  Week and Date Theme What to have Read What to have Done What We'll Do
4 September 20 / T Peace Week // Language and Action

From TPoN
A.J. "Getting Rid of War." pp 83-91.
Merton, Thomas. "The Root of War is Fear." pp 96-104.
King Jr., Martin Luther. " Declaration of Independence from the War in Vietnam." 113-124.
Roy, Arundhati. "War is Peace." 182-191.

From Architects of Peace
Scott King, Coretta. p 18.
Lin, Maya. p 20.

Notes from Reading Student Presentations
  September 22/ TH  

From The Words of Peace (The little light blue book)
Carter, Jimmy "Foreward" pp vii-xii
Sverdrup, Jacob "Introduction" pp xiii-xv.
"Peace" pp 1-18.

From Architects of Peace
Brower, David. p 23.
Butler, General Lee. pp 24-26.

Gorbachev, Mikhail. pp 27-29.
Mother Teresa p 31.

Notes from Reading

Response Paper 2

Student Presentations
5 September 27/ T Diversity

From WP
"Bonds of Humanity" pp 19-39.

From Architects of Peace
Chavez, Cesar p 40.
Hanh, Thick Nhat. p 43.

Lane Jr., Phil p 46.

  Student Presentations
  September 29/ TH WEBCT

From WP
"Faith and Hope" pp 40-65
"The Tragedy of War" pp 66-83.

From Architects of Peace
Kielburger, Craig pp 48-49.

Walker, Alice pp 51-52.
Sadat, Jehan pp 53-55.


Paper 2 "Peaceful Solutions" (Submit via WebCT's drop-box)

6 October 04/ T Conferences (Hardback Book)
Colman. I'd Rather Teach Peace. "Preface" pp xi-xx.
Proposal Due (Bring with you to the conference)
  October 06/ TH  

McCarthy, Colman. "September" pp 1-16.

From Architects of Peace
Peres, Shimon pp 56-57.
Wiesel, Elie p 59.

Baez, Joan p 66.

Notes from Reading Student Presentations
  Week and Date Theme What to have Read What to have Done What We'll Do
7 October 11/ T

McCarthy, Colman. "October" pp 18-39.

From Architects of Peace
Jackson, Ida p 69.

Goodall, Jane p70.


See Emotional Intelligence for further thinking

Student Presentations
  October 13/ TH  

McCarthy, Colman. "November" pp 44-88.

From Architects of Peace
Sanchez, Oscar Arias p 72.
Ho, David p 85.


Paper 3 "Peaceful Leaders"

Student Presentations
8 October 18/ T

McCarthy, Colman. "December" pp 89-121.
McCarthy, Colman. "Semester's End " pp 122-132.
McCarthy, Colman. "Epilogue" pp 133-137.

From Architects of Peace
Pauling, Linus p 86.

Carter, Jimmy p 91.

Response Paper 3


Student Presentations
  October 20/ TH No Class, darn. I am away at a conference. Prepare for the Quiz Quiz / Please complete by Sunday, 10 p.m. WebCT
9 October 25/ T Conferences

From Educating for a Culture of Peace (Green Book)

Miller, Ron "Introduction" pp 1-10.
Eisler, Riane "Education for a Cutlure of Peace" pp11-41
Kessler, Rachael "Ed. for Integrity"

  October 27/ TH WEBCT

From ECP
Gordon, Thomas "Nonviolent Partnership Parenting and Teaching" pp 80-100
Lange, Doralice and De Souza Rocha "On Being a Caring Teacher" pp 101-112

From Architects of Peace
Halilbegovich, Nadja p 92.
Jagger, Bianca p 94.

  Week and Date Theme What to have Read What to have Done What We'll Do
10 November 01/ T

From ECP
Hart, Sura "Creating a Culture of Peace with Nonviolent Comm." pp 113-126
Goldstein, Lisa S. "Emphasizing Variety Rather Than Commonality" pp 127-135.

From Architects of Peace
El-Issa, Ingrid p 102-103.
Canada, Georffrey pp 106-107.

Response Paper 4 Student Presentations
November 03/ TH  

From ECP
Raffi, "Music: A Culture of Peace" pp 171-180.
Bynoe, Linda "Strategies for Teaching Caring and Empowerment"

From Architects of Peace
Abiola, Hafsat pp 108-109.
Jingsheng, Wei p 113.

Maguire, Mairead Corrigan p 118.

  Student Presentations
11 November 08/ T  

From Educating for a Culture of Social and Ecological Peace (Light Green Book)

Wenden, Anita L. "Introduction" 1-30.
Mische, Patricia M. "Eco. Security" pp 31-52.

From Architects of Peace
Rabin, Leah p 121.

Dayan, Yael p 123.
Walesa, Lech p 130.


Response Paper 5

November 10/ TH  

Brenes-Castro, Abelardo "An Integral Model of Peace Ed." pp 77-98.
Sauve, Lucie and Isabel Orellana "Environmental Ed" pp 99-122.

From Architects of Peace
Santana, Carlos p 137.
Young, Andrew p 140.
Prejean, Sister Helen p 142.

WebCT Discussion /
12 November 15/ T Conferences

Zinn, Howard. You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train. "Preface" vii-x.
"Introduction" pp 1-14.

From Architects of Peace
Abzug, Bella p 152.
Kovic, Ron p 155.
Al-Hussein, Her Majesty Queen Noor p 161-163.

Progress Report (bring with you to the conference)  
November 17/ TH  

Zinn, Howard. "Part One" pp 15-86.

From Architects of Peace
George, Chief Leonard p 168.
Kennedy Jr., Robert F. p 176

Paper 4 "Revised Paper"  
  Week and Date Theme What to have Read What to have Done What We'll Do
13 November 22/ T WEBCT

Zinn, Howard. "Part Two"
Zinn, Howard. "Part Three" [specifically--"The Possibility of Hope" pp197-209.]

Turkey Mole Time
No Class
EnchiladasEnchiladasEnchiladas Enchiladas  
14 November 29/ T  


Final Presentations

December 31/ TH  


Final Presentations

15 December 06/ T  


Final Presentations

Paper 5:
Final Paper/Project/Presentation Outline Due

December 08/ TH  


Final Presentations

Finals   Good Luck Have a Good Holiday.