Week of Term
Day and Date
What to Have Read What to Have Completed What We Will Do In Class
Week 1
Monday, August 25
Wednesday, 8-27-2008
Friday, 1-29-06
From The Power of Nonviolence (the black book)
Zinn, Howard. "Introduction." pp vii-x.
Buddha. " Let a Man Overcome Anger with Love." pp 3-5.
Penn, William. "Essay Towards the Present and Future Peace of Europe." pp 5-7.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. from "War." pp 8-14.
R.W. Emerson Discussion Leaders

Monday, September 1

Labor Day Holiday—No Class

Wednesday, Sept.03, 2008
From TPoN
Henry David. ""Civil Disobedience." pp 15-36.
Response Paper 1 Due Discussion Leaders
Friday, Sept. 05, 2008
From TPoN
Addams, Jane. from "Newer Ideals of Peace." pp 39-41.
Nearing, Scott. from "The Trial of Scott Nearing and the American Socialist Society." pp 42-44.
Ghandi, Mohandas K. "My Faith in Nonviolence." pp 45-46.
Online Discussions  
Monday, September 8

From Architects of Peace (large white book)
Collopy, Michael. "Introduction."
Cronkite, Walter. "Foreword."
Multiple Intelligences (skim become familiar with terms)
Please skim the site, and focus on "Emotional Intelligence: The Missing Piece" and read over the Featured Contents.

Discussion Leaders

Peace Jam

Wednesday, 9-10

From TPoN
Day, Dorothy. "Pacifism." pp 47-49.
Day, Dorothy. "Our Country Passes from Undeclared War to Declared War;..." pp 50-52.
Weil, Simone. from "Reflections on War." pp 53-56.
Camus, Albert. "Neither Victims nor Executioners." pp. 57-73.

From Architects of Peace (large white book)
Angelou, Maya. p 14.

Mandela, Nelson. p 17.

  Discussion Leaders
Friday, 9-12

From TPoN
A.J. "Getting Rid of War." pp 83-91.
Merton, Thomas. "The Root of War is Fear." pp 96-104.
King Jr., Martin Luther. " Declaration of Independence from the War in Vietnam." 113-124.

From Architects of Peace
Chavez, Cesar p 40.
Hanh, Thich Nhat p 43.

Response Paper 2 Due

Discussion Leaders

Right To Play

Week4 |
Monday, September 15

From TPoN
Roy, Arundhati. "War is Peace." 182-191.

From Architects of Peace
Butler, General Lee. pp 24-26.

Gorbachev, Mikhail. pp 27-29.
Mother Teresa p 31.

Discussion Leaders
Wednesday, 9-17
Library Day—Meet at the Reference Desk.
Online Discussions
Friday, 9-19

From The Future of Peace: On the Front Lines (Hunt)
Foreward vii-xi | Introduction, pp 1-10

From Architects of Peace
Lin, Maya. p 20
Brower, David. p 23.

Lane Jr., Phil p 46.

Feasibility Report Due

Discussion Leaders

We Can Solve It
Monday, September 22
From The Future of Peace: On the Front Lines (Hunt)
Chapter 3, pp 91-155
Discussion Leaders
Wednesday, 9-24

From Architects of Peace
Edelman, Marian Wright pp 32-33
Bella p 152.
Ron p 155.

Film: The Girl in the Cafe Discussion Leaders
Friday, 9-26

Individual Conferences — Proposal Due

From Architects of Peace
Jehan pp 53-55.

Peres, Shimon pp 56-57.

Monday, 9-29

From The Future of Peace: On the Front Lines (Hunt)
Chapter 5, pp 198-235


  Discussion Leaders
Wednesday, October 1
From Architects of Peace
Wiesel, Elie p 59.
Baez, Joan p 66. 
  Discussion Leaders
Friday, October 3
From Architects of Peace
Jackson, Ida p 69.

Sanchez, Oscar Arias p 72.
Response Paper 3 Due

Discussion Leaders

The Community

Weeks 7-10

Weeks 11-15