Paper 5: FINAL Paper|Project|Presentation
Paper 5: The Final Paper and Project Paper 5
Course Description Syllabus Grading Cline Library VISTA   Dr. Nancy G. Barron
Paper Description

Purpose and Goal

The Paper

The purpose for this final writing assignment is for you to combine all the skills you acquired in this course. Library research, text and image rhetorical analysis, making an argument, supporting your argument, word choice, structure, organization, sentence-level detail. Consider going to the Writing Center and working with a Writing Consultant. Best if you make an appointment as they get busy.

The Paper:
Choose a project, an activity that you think is useful for a target audience. Plan for the project to occur during the spring term, or within the next three years. Your challenge is to choose language, visuals, documents that will encourage participants to attend. How do you present your project without shutting down your target audience because of the context that surrounds the word "peace".

Your project ought to incorporate "If I had the support and funding, I suggest ... for this target audience because ...." What might be a peaceful project? That depends on your target audience. Music, for instance, is often a way to offer a few hours of peaceful education, peaceful collaboration. Food often works as a reason for peaceful gatherings. How might you raise environmental awareness without coming across as a "tree hugging dirt worshipper" that is just fine for a select group of participants. If you want to reach the "choir" then what are your reasons?

Projects usually take time and money. Before any project is seriously considered, the idea people (authors) need to do some preliminary research. You will conduct a feasibility report, a proposal, a progress report, and a paper that summarizes all your work. This data collection and write up is common for nonprofits and for profit organizations. This is the "w" part of the course.


Feasibility Report
Progress Report

Final Paper:

Use 5-7 Course Readings as Support, Anchor Points in your discussion.
1-3 interviews
Write for your target audience (as opposed to me)
2-4 Visuals (photos, images, charts)
10-15 pages

Purpose and Goal

The Project

The purpose for this final project is for you to take the data you have thought about, written, and worked with a Writing Consultant on and turn it into an object someone outside of our classroom can learn from, can think about.

The project is for "the public" or a group outside of our class. Be specific and pay attention to language, visuals, how your idea is presented to your target audience. How is "peace" defined for your audience? What might shut down your audience? What might catch their attention best?

Smart students go the Writing Center and work with a Writing Consultant (plan ahead).


(Do not make 25 copies of your project. 3-4 copies are enough)
Let Dr. Barron know if you need a casette player, ipod speakers, etc.
If you intend to "perform" please let Dr. Barron know ahead of time so we can find a classroom away from offices and other quiet activities.
We are limited to the technology available in the classroom. Peruse your software options in the computer lab. Please have hard copies as deemed necessary.

The Presentation

You will present your project to your peers using keynote, iMovie, or Powerpoint. 10-12 minutes total. You will submit an outline of your presentation along with your final paper and project (slides are okay).

You are expected to participate as a listening audience as well. Please attend all presentations and not only your own.

If you are enrolled during the Spring 2009 term, please consider presenting at the College of Arts and Letters Undergraduate Symposium. It is good practice, and it is great for your resume.