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Final Presentation Guidelines

This provides you with specific direction for your final presentation. You should have as many of your team members present as reasonable. Presentations will be conducted on April 27th.

Each team will have 10 minutes to make their presentation, which this is worth 30 points.

  1. Introduce your agency team members and discuss what each team member will present.

  2. Recap your situation analysis. Your Executive Summary should provide a good reference for you. Be sure and end with the key advertising problem/s which your creative will solve

  3. Present you recommended creative strategy and explain why you believe that this one solves the advertising problem you identified earlier.

  4. Present your creative executions. Remember in television to walk through each scene before reading any copy. Remember to explain how your executions fit the creative strategy you presented in #3.

  5. Summarize your recommendations.

  6. Solicit for questions from your audience.

Your material must be professionally presented. Use overheads, flip charts, etc. I will ask questions and be prepared to answer them. The key to this segment of the process is the degree of "finish" you demonstrate. You must demonstrate the ability to work as a team and be throughly rehearsed.

Send E-mail to Prof. Rich Lei.
or call (520) 523-2490

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