ANT 206 Web Course
Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need books for this course? No! We will be using articles from several books and journals. All assigned articles will be availble on-line.

Can I start the course early?
Sorry, but no. The course links open by 9 AM the first day of a term.

Can I get the syllabus early?
Sorry, but no. Course materials are available the first day of class.

Computer Help: Call the Student Technology Center if you need help. Their phone numbers are toll free 888-520-7215, local Flagstaff number - 523-9294. You can call them M-F for help with your computer.

I don't like computers, do I need to use one for this web course? (I have actually received this question). This is a web-based course. ANT 206 calls for using a variety of materials on the world wide web. If you don't like using computers, you probably will not like taking the course.

My computer is slow! What do I do?
Avoid using the NAU server from noon to 5 PM on weekdays. It is always slow then, particularly if you're calling in from off campus. If you are using a dial up modem, you might want to use a Statewide computer lab. If you web courses every semester, you should consider getting a DSL line from your phone company or a internet service from your cable provider. If you live in a rural area, you might want to consider getting satellite service.

Do we have set class times? No, work at your own pace. But, you must finish specified material every week. As you will see from the syllabus, you must participate in on-line discussions throughout the term.

What do I call you? Students can never make a mistake by being formal with their professors. At a four year college or university, you should *always* call the professor "Dr." If the prof does not have a Ph.D., he or she will tell you. Using "Dr." also avoids the problem of is it Mr.? Miss? Ms? or Mrs.? Never call the the instructor's by his or her first name until he or she asks you to do so. (This goes for any boss or supervisor you have at any job!)

When are things due? I will have two units ready for each week. You have to finish the week's work by Sunday evening so you can start again on Monday. All tests, quizzes, and assignments are due at the specified time, according to the NAU computer clock in Flagstaff. Note: time changes in October and March. Flagstaff is on Pacific Daylight Savings Time in the summer. Flagstaff is on Mountain Standard Time in the winter.

Can I do work early
Yes, modules for the next week will be made available the weekend before.

Can I submit assignments late?
The biggest problem in a web course is that you are working alone. I worry about people falling behind and not being able to catch up. E-mail me if you're going to be away for a while. Submitting late assignments is often not a problem if you make arrangements ahead of time. However, I rarely allow students to submit more than one assignment late.

The videos don't work! What do I do?
We have several videos throughout the class. Transcripts are provided if you have a slow Internet connection. Quicktime and Flash player installed. Call the help desk if you have problems. (Their phone number is given above.) The help desk can trouble shoot. If you have a dial-up modem, videos can be slow to download. You can use any NAU Statewide computer lab.

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