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On this page are all graphs related to C4[ 504, 123 ].
Graphs which this one covers
4-fold cover of
C4[ 126, 8 ]
= L(F 84)
2-fold cover of
C4[ 252, 37 ]
= UG(ATD[252,65])
2-fold cover of
C4[ 252, 38 ]
= UG(ATD[252,66])
2-fold cover of
C4[ 252, 44 ]
= MG(Rmap(252,114){6,7|14}_18)
Aut-Orbital graphs of this one:
C4[ 504, 117 ] = UG(ATD[504,211])
C4[ 504, 118 ] = UG(ATD[504,213])
C4[ 504, 119 ] = UG(ATD[504,215])
C4[ 504, 120 ] = UG(ATD[504,217])
C4[ 504, 121 ] = UG(ATD[504,219])
C4[ 504, 122 ] = UG(ATD[504,221])
C4[ 504, 123 ] = UG(ATD[504,223])
C4[ 504, 137 ] = MG(Rmap(504,347){6,14|14}_18)
C4[ 504, 138 ] = MG(Rmap(504,395){14,14|18}_18)
C4[ 504, 139 ] = MG(Rmap(504,432){18,18|14}_18)