downside dock is located some 250 km due west of the Imperial Research
Station (devoted to communications testing) and is well hidden and shielded.
A hand drawn map of the facility is all that is available to help in finding
the ship.
Right-click on the image to the left to save a CC2 layout of the base.
Vehicle bays allow carrying of one 20 ton launch, two grav vehicles
and an air raft. There are two cargo areas on board. The upper
cargo area holds 30 tons and is accessed via a dorsal hatch or a list from
the launch bay. The lower cargo area holds 10 tons and is accessed
via a ventral lift that reaches ground level. There is also a fully
outfitted lab onboard that includes a medical station with operating table.
Right click on the image to the right to save the CC2 deck plans to
your local machine.
The Ship
The ship itself is 750 ton vessel in a needle/wedge configuration.
The main power plant is approaching TL 16 and all other parts are state-of-the-art.
Since the ship's main duties are intrusion and survey a full complement
of offensive and defensive weapons are installed. The most notable
device on board is an Ancient black globe. This is installed in the
main enginerring section near the jump coils. Offensively, the ship
is well armed with the following hardpoints:
ship will easily house 15 individuals. The minimum crew is three.
There are 5 low berths on board to handle injured crew members. Life
support includes the basic and extended options. TL 15 avionics,
sensors and communications are installed. The communications include
radio, laser and maser. Enough fuel is carried on board to make a
jump four and up to 6 weeks flight in system. The drive and computer
systems allow for making of 4 consecutive jump 1 jumps.