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ESE424 : The Class : Mild Disabilities : Mild Retardation : Multiple Choice

Midterm Exam - Multiple Choice Questions

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This midterm exam will cover your assigned reading, online class content, and web activities for the first module (Understanding Disabilities) and the first topic of the second module (Mild Mental Retardation). The questions will consist of multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and a brief vignette with mixed format questions. Individual questions were developed to represent both online content and textbook readings. Please feel free to contact me if you do not understand a particular question.


Multiple Choice Questions: (23 points)
Be sure to read each question thoroughly. Check all responses that apply. There may be more than one correct answer for each question. Each question will be worth one point. Partial points will be awarded for partially correct answers

1. Of the following statements, which determines the success or failure of a student in school more than any other factor?

A genetics
B peer acceptance
C the type of class that the student attends
D the teacher's expectation of the student

2. The cognitive reasons for needing special education include:

A average intellectual performance
B pronunciation problems
C significant differences in language performance
D gifted intellectual performance

3. Which of the following might be an emotional or behavioral reason for needing special education?

A observing significantly different behavior
B average intellectual performance
C intermittently refusing to complete assigned work
D diminished motivation

4. Which would be a valid academic reason for needing special education services?

A subaverage intellectual performance
B functioning one grade level below the class placement
C significant differences between abilities and achievement
D experiencing difficulites in completing assignments in a timely manner

5. Which of the following court cases established standards that we continue to use today to determine if an special education program is appropriate?

A Diana v. the State Board of Education
B Wyatt v. Stickney
C The Board of Education v. Rowley
D Armstrong v. Klein

6. Which of the following characteristics is associated with a student with mild mental retardation?

A an IQ scores below 50
B clinical mental retardation
C an IQ score between 50 and 75
D observable behavioral or physical abnormalities

7. The basic difference between IDEA (Federal) definition of mental retardation and that of the American Association of Mental Retardation (AAMR) is...

A The AAMR definition focuses on identifying levels of support rather than depending on IQ scores
B the IDEA definition focuses on levels of support and adaptive behaviors
C the AAMR definition focuses on IQ and adaptive behaviors
D the IDEA definition focuses on IQ scores rather than adaptive behaviors

8. Adaptive skill areas include all of the following except

A home living
B functional academics
C intelligence
D communication

9. Which of the following factors could cause a young boy's mild mental retardation?

A drug abuse by the mother
B poverty
C microcephaly
D Fragile X syndrome

10. Which of the following statements is least exemplary of a functional curriculum for a person with mild mental retardation?

A focusing on drill and practice of computational skills for solving arithmetic problems
B teaching reading by using everyday materials such as newspapers
C teaching budgeting and shopping skills
D assigning students to apprentice programs with "mentors"

11. Poverty can contribute to the incidence of mild mental retardation by:

A an inability to secure adequate health care
B limited experiences with learning prior to enrollment in school
C producing a higher incidence of genetic abnormalities among poor people
D malnutrition from restriced dietary intake

12. The incidence of mental retardation in society is generally recognized to be...

A somewhere between 1-3% of the general population
B between 2-7% of the school aged population
C 10% of the school aged population
D below 2% of the general population

13. The term "the six hour retarded child" is used to describe which of the following categories of mental retardation?

A mild
B moderate
C severe
D profound

14. According to studies of the demographics of persons with mild mental retardation, which of the following statements most accurately reflects the actual distribution of this disability?

A more boys are identified than girls
B families of loweer socioeconomic status are more likely to have a child with mild mental retardation
C retardation is more common in school-aged populations than in society at large
D more children of Hispanic or African American descent are identified as having mild mental retardation

15. Which of the following placement options would be considered the least restrictive for a child with a mild disability?

A special education resource room
B a segregated facility
C a regular classroom
D none of the above

16. Which of the following statements accruately summarize the differences between the IDEA and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act?

A IDEA has a much broader definition of disabilities
B Section 504 provides more funding for special education services
C Section 504 requires many of the same provisions that are included in IDEA
D IDEA and Section 504 are essentially similar

17. Which of the following statements summarize the effects of the Civil Rights movement on the disabilities movement?

A the federal government, and society in general, began to acknowledge the need to grant persons with disabilities equal rights
B the Civil Rights movement created an environment of competition that forced persons with disabilities to advocate for their own civil rights
C federal statutes were employed to curb discriminiation and extended to persons with disabilities
D while the focus remained on Civil Rights of broad classes of people (African Americans, etc.), the focus naturally turned to other minority groups receiving inferior treatment, including persons with disabilities

18. Which court case was instrumental in establishing a right to education for persons from minority backgrounds?

A Manhattan School District v. Doe
B Cochran v. Penderhurst
C Brown v. the Board of Education
D Alleganey Unified School District v. Brown

19. Both John F. Kennedy (JFK) and Lyndon B. Johnson (JBJ)were credited with assisting persons with disabilities achieve the mandate of free appropriate public education guranteed under IDEA. Which of the following statements summarize some of the reasons why these presidents were so instrumental in this endeavor?

A JFK, having a sister with a disability, heightened our awareness of mental retardation
B LBJ created the first school for persons with hearing impairments
C LBJ created legislation aimed at eliminating poverty through education, that through extension, included persons with disabilities
D JFK called for resources to eliminate mental retardation, mobilizing considerable federal resources for the care and treatment of persons with disabilities

20. Which of the following characteristics are shared by many children with mild disabilities?

A information processing deficits
B social skill problems
C a pronounced incidence of genetic disorders
D behavioral difficulties

21. Which of the following disabilities are typically considered "mild"?

A mental retardation
B emotional and behavioral disorders
C learning disabilities
D pervasive developmental delays

22. Which of the following types of children with disabities might you expect to find in a resource room program?

A students with hearing or vision problems
B students with mild or moderate mental retardation
C students with mild behavioral disorders
D students with severe learning disabilities

23. Where might you expect to find a special education teacher providing all the instructional content to students with disabilities?

A special education resource room
B self-contained special education classroom
C spearate special education school
D a team taught regular education classroom

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