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ESE424 : The Class : Mild Disabilities : Mild Retardation : Vignette

Midterm Exam - Vignette

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  1. Study the assignment carefully
  2. Respond to each question in the space provided
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This midterm exam will cover your assigned reading, online class content, and web activities for the first module (Understanding Disabilities) and the first topic of the second module (Mild Mental Retardation). The questions will consist of multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and a brief vignette with mixed format questions. Individual questions were developed to represent both online content and textbook readings. Please feel free to contact me if you do not understand a particular question.


Vignette: (10 points)
Read the following vignette carefully. Answer the questions below based on the information you have in the vignettes. The point values for the associated questions are are indicated after each question.


Stevie is a tall, overweight an 14-year-old 8th grader with mild mental retardation. He has skin problems (severe acne) and comes to school in wrinkled soiled clothing. It is obvious that he does not shower on a regular basis. Stevie is described as “clumsy,” repeatedly bumping into or breaking things, stumbling when running and sometimes while walking. His fine motor skills (using his hands and fingers) are good. Stevie has difficulty with reading and math, performing at the 2nd grade level in both subject areas. He often gets into trouble for “inappropriate” actions. His teacher reports that he will often use curse words, hug complete strangers, and does not understand personal space (i.e., he stands too close to people). Stevie has only one good friend, a child with a severe physical disability who is non-verbal. He is unable to attend to tasks for long periods of time (generally 1-2 mins.) and tends to daydream often. Stevie has very few words that are understandable to other persons and, consequently, he does not speak much in the classroom.

1. Stevie has significant deficits in what adaptive skill areas? (6 points)

2. Which of the following socio-behavioral characteristics of persons with mild mental retardation might you expect Stevie to demonstrate? (2 points)

A increased reliance on external cues
B egocentricity
C approaching a task with an expectation of failure
D limited self-regulatory skills

3. Given that Stevie has mild mental retardation, which of the following learning characteristics might you expect to see? (2 points)

A difficulties monitoring and evaluating his learning
B an inability to put himself in the place of others
C difficulties with memory and generalization
D problems organizing information for easy recall
E ineffective rehearsal strategies

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

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E-mail Larry Gallagher at


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