1. Revitalizing Indigenous Languages: Challenges
and Opportunities
Jon Reyhner, Louise Lockard, Joseph Martin
2. e-nohte-pikiskwatikoyahkok They Want To Speak To Us:
Teaching Nehiyawewin To Youth through Experiential Learning
Christina Buffalo, Marie Saddleback, Roxanne Blesse
3. Can the Mentor-Apprentice Approach Produce Diné Fluent Speakers
Louise Benally, Anna Redsand
4. Reversing the Power Dynamic between Linguistics and
Language Revitalization: An Example from Hawai'i
Scott Saft
5. Computational Tools in Support of Niitsi'powahsin
(Blackfoot Language)
Dominik Kadlec, Inge Genee, Antti Arppe
6. Promoting Data Literacy to Increase Culturally Responsive Peadagogy
Christine Lemley, Gerald Wood, Hine Waitere, Darrell Marks, Ishmael Munene
7. Honoring Culture within STEM Education Partnerships
Jeffrey Hovermill, Ora Marek-Martinez, Cole Joslyn
8. The Impact of Intercultural Universities after 20 Years in Mexican Communities
Villegas Rodriguez, Ma. de los Angeles
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