Teaching Indigenous Languages Thursday, March 27, 2025 

Teaching Indigenous Languages

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Index of Articles & Web Sites by Language/Tribe

The New Mass Media and the Shaping of Amazigh Identity

Issues in Language Textbook Development: The Case of Western Apache
The Jicarilla Apache language summer day camp pdf file
KinderApache Song and Dance Project
White Mountain Apache Language: Issues in Language Shift, Textbook Development, and Native Speaker-University Collaboration

Waabandan miinawaa Idan Anishinaabaateseg See It and Say It Anishinaabemowin Movies

Arapaho Language Project University of Colorado
Going Beyond Words: The Arapaho Immersion Program
Running the Gauntlet of an Indigenous Language Program

Documenting and Maintaining Native American Languages for the 21st Century: The Indiana University Model

Blackfoot Blogs and Boutique Languages
Blackfoot Lullabies and Language Revitalization
Blackfoot Word Melody of Second Language Learners
Computational Tools in Support of Niitsi'powahsin (Blackfoot Language)
Encouragement, Guidance and Lessons Learned: 21 Years in the Trenches of Indigenous Language Revitalization
Respecting Dialectal Variations in a Blackfoot Language Class

Teaching Chedungun in Chile's Alto Biobío Community: A Perspective from Pewenche Youth

Assessing the Impact of Total Immersion on Cherokee Language Revitalization pdf file
The Echota Cherokee Language: Current Use and Opinions About Revival
Cherokee Nation language web site

Chickasaw Language web site with lessons

Collecting texts in Crao and Portuguese for teaching pdf file

Four Successful Indigenous Language Programs
Incorporating traditional Nehiyaw/Plains Cree education in the university pdf file
Native Language for Every Subject: The Cree Language of Instruction Project
They Want To Speak To Us: Teaching Nehiyawewin: To Youth Through Experiential Learning

Creoles and Pidgins
Maintaining Indigenous languages in North America: What can we learn from studies of pidgins and creoles?

Learning the Dakota Language?

Deg Xiang (Ingalik Athabaskan)
Learning Ancestral Languages by Telephone: Creating Situations for Language Use

Daghida: Cold Lake First Nation works towards Dene language revitalization pdf file
The Dene Standardization Project

Diné (See Navajo below)

Four Successful Indigenous Language Programs
Hawaiian Language Immersion
Hawaiian Language Web Site
Hawaiian Language Nests Web Site Aha Punana Leo
Hawaiian Language Instruction On The Internet by Kalena Silva and Keola Donaghy
Hawaiian Parallels NABE News Column
Indigenous New Words Creation: Perspectives from Alaska and Hawaii
Ke Kula Mauli Ola Hawai'i 'o Náwahiokalani'opu'u: Living Hawaiian Life-Force School
Reversing the Power Dynamic between Linguistics and Language Revitalization: An Example from Hawai'i
Teaching in a Hawaiian Context: Educator Perspectives on the Hawaiian Language Immersion Program

The Hopilavayi Summer Institute A Tribal Model of Assistance for Ancestral Language Teacher Preparation

Four Successful Indigenous Language Programs
The Hualapai Bilingual/Bicultural Education Program
What my Hualapai Language Means to Me

The Place of Writing in Preserving an Oral Language
Teaching reading with puppets pdf file

Innu-Aimun (Montagnais)
The process of spelling standardization of Innu-Aimun (Montagnais) pdf file

Creation of Language Tests for Heritage Learners of the Labrador Dialect of Inuktitut
Developing Intermediate Language Learning Materials: A Labrador Inuttitut Story Database
Inuktitut Second Language Learning in an Urban Setting: A First Hand Account
Report on the workshop "World of Inuktitut"

Reversing Language Shift: Can Kwak'wala Be Revived

Assessing Lakota language teaching issues on the Cheyenne River Reservation pdf file

Changing Pronunciation of the Maori Language: Implications for Revitalization
Four Successful Indigenous Language Programs
Ko te reo te mauri o te mana Maori: The language is the life essence of Maori existence pdf file
Language is Life: The Worldview of Second Language Speakers of Maori
Marketing the Maori Language
Maori: New Zealand Latin? pdf file
Maori Total Immersion Courses for Adults in Aotearoa/New Zealand: A Personal Perspective
Reo o te Kainga (Language of the Home): A Ngai Te Rangi Language Regeneration Project
Students Attitudes Towards an Advanced Level Maori Language Immersion Program
The ZePA Model of Maori Language Revitalization: Key Considerations for Empowering Indigenous Language Educators, Students, and Communities

Teaching Chedungun in Chile's Alto Biobío Community: A Perspective from Pewenche Youth

Menominee Language Revitalization: Recovering and Reclaiming Language through Indigenous Discourses

Métis and Ontario Education Policy: Educators Supporting Métis Holistic Lifelong Learning

Revernacularizing Classical Nahuatl Through Danza (Dance) Azteca-Chichimeca
Stories for Language Revitalization in Nahuatl and Chichimeca

Navajo (Diné)
Case Study of a First Year Navajo Language Immersion Teacher
A Description of the Rock Point Community School Bilingual Education Program
An Initial Exploration of the Navajo Nation's Language and Culture Initiative
Can the Mentor-Apprentice Approach Produce Diné Fluent Speakers?
Language Revitalization in Navajo/English Dual Language Classrooms
Oral History Shares the Wealth of a Navajo Community pdf file
Racing Against Time: A Report on the Leupp Navajo Immersion Project
Restructuring the Teaching of Language and Literacy in a Navajo Community School
Situational Navajo: A School-based, Verb-centered Way of Teaching Navajo pdf file
Someone Else's Language On the Role of Linguists in Language Revitalization
Science Explorers Translation Project
Teaching Diné Language and Culture in Navajo Schools: Voices from the Community
"Think In Navajo": Reflections from the Field on Reversing Navajo Language Shift in Homes, Schools and Communities
In Search of the Missing Navajo Pilot Program: Locating Opportunities and Spaces in Educational Policies for Teaching Native Languages
Tuning in to Navajo: The Role of Radio in Native Language Maintenance

Ojibwe (also Ojibway, Anishinabe, Chippewa)
Ojibway hockey CD-ROM in the making pdf file
Nim-bii-go-nini Ojibwe Revitalization Strategy: Families Learning Our Language at Home Rawnda Abraham's 2010 Master's Thesis
The Pedagogical Potential of Multimedia Dictionaries: Lessons from a Community Dictionary Project
Wenesh Waa Oshkii-Bmaadizijig Noondamowaad? What Will The Young Children Hear?

Pascua Yaqui
A Tribal Approach to Language and Literacy Development in a Trilingual Setting

Modifying Assessment Tools for Ganihsesge:kha: He:nodeye:stha: A Seneca Culture-Language School

"Indigenizing the Teacher's Toolbox": Language Teaching Practices in a Shoshone Classroom

Sm'algyax Language Renewal: Prospects and Options

Measuring Language Dominance and Bilingual Proficiency Development of Tarahumara Children
The Tarahumara of Mexico: An Overview Carla Paciotto

Tohono O'odham
Enhancing Language Material Availability Using Computers

Methods of madness: The Tuscarora Language Committee pdf file

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