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ESE424 : The Class : Mild Disabilities : Behavioral/Emotional : Perspectives

Perspectives on Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Estimated Time to Complete: 45 minutes

Points: 10

To complete this assignment successfully, you should:

  1. Study the assignment carefully
  2. Respond to each question in the space provided
  3. Fill in your Name and Email address
  4. Send the Assignment

Theories of emotional and behavioral disorders (ED/BD) abound, none of which covers all possible reasons why a person demonstrates emotional problems. Researchers have been trying to explain the ontogenesie and persistence of ED/BD from each theoretical position with varying degrees of success. In this activity, you will attempt to explain a common emotional or behavioral disorder from each of the major theoretical perspectives covered in Chapter 3 of your text. You may need to go out onto the web or review previous textbooks to supplement your knowledge to complete this assignment. Please feel free to bring in other information sources should you need to.

The behavior you will need to analyze is this:

Johnny is a 4th grade student who refuses to complete his assigned task. When his teacher presents work that he must complete he will (a) ignore her request, (b) if she persists, he will argue with her ("I don't want to do this stupid work"), and (c) if she continues to demand work, Johnny will throw the work and run from the room. Why is he doing this?

1. Describe Johnny's behavior from a psychodynamic perspective (Freudian).

2. Describe Johnny's behavior from a biological perspective.

3. Describe Johnny's behavior from a behavioral perspective.

4. Describe Johnny's behavior from a psychoeducational perspective.

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your Email address:

Once you have filled in the areas above, click the Send button below to send your response to the instructor.


E-mail Larry Gallagher at


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