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ESE424 : The Class : Understanding : Disabilities : Beyond Affliction

Textbook Reading


For this first topic, you need to read pages 5-12 in you textbook. When you are finished reading this brief section of Chapter 1, you should be able to answer these questions:

  1. What were some of the problems that occurred when we moved from a one room school house to graded elementary schools? How might that effect a child with a disability?
  2. How is diversity at odds with the idea of public education?
  3. What are some of the challenges we face as America moves towards a multicultural society?
  4. What is "handicappism" and why is it imperitive that we adopt a "people first" language, philosophy, and service delivery system?

E-mail the instructor at Larry.Gallagher@nau.edu

Once you have completed all assignments in these topics, you should:

Go on to the Online Lesson Beyond Affliction
Go back to The Class Page

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