Understanding Mild Disabilities and Special Education Students with Disabilities Forming Partnerships Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities
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ESE424 : The Class : Understanding : Disabilities : Beyond Affliction

Textbook Reading


For this first topic, you need to read pages 12-34 in you textbook. When you are finished reading this brief section of Chapter 1, you should be able to answer these questions:

  1. Define the following terms: class action suit, 14th Amendment, IEP, due process, least restrictive environment
  2. What is the difference between direct and indirect special education services?
  3. What was the basic problem in the Larry P, Rowley, Honig, and Daniel R.R. rcourt cases?
  4. When is special education warranted?
  5. Be able to list at least 2 physical, cognitive, academic, communication, and behavioral-emotional reasons for needing special education (i.e., two of each).
  6. Approximately how many students receive special education?
  7. What are "mild" disabilities? Do students with mild disabilities have limited disabilities?
  8. Why is the classroom teacher so important in determining if a child is evaluated for special education placement?
  9. What are some advantages and disadvantages of labeling a child?

E-mail the instructor at Larry.Gallagher@nau.edu

Once you have completed all assignments in these topics, you should:

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