Textbook Reading
For this first topic, you need to read pages 12-34 in you textbook. When
you are finished reading this brief section of Chapter 1, you should be
able to answer these questions:
- Define the following terms: class action suit, 14th Amendment, IEP,
due process, least restrictive environment
- What is the difference between direct and indirect special education
- What was the basic problem in the Larry P, Rowley, Honig, and Daniel
R.R. rcourt cases?
- When is special education warranted?
- Be able to list at least 2 physical, cognitive, academic, communication,
and behavioral-emotional reasons for needing special education (i.e.,
two of each).
- Approximately how many students receive special education?
- What are "mild" disabilities? Do students with mild disabilities
have limited disabilities?
- Why is the classroom teacher so important in determining if a child
is evaluated for special education placement?
- What are some advantages and disadvantages of labeling a child?
E-mail the instructor at Larry.Gallagher@nau.edu
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