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ESE424 : The Class : Understanding : Types : Number


How many children with mild disabilities are in our nation's schools?

Estimated Time to Complete: 15-30 minutes

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  1. Study the assignment carefully
  2. Respond to each question in the space provided
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Up to this point we have reviewed information about children with mild disabilities (mild mental retardation, emotional and behavioral disorders, and learning disabilities). I have left our one important part - the actual number of children in these categories that attend our public schools. I am going to send you to information extracted from the 20th Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of IDEA compiled by the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Office of Special Education Services.

You will use these two tables to gather some information about the number of children with mild disabilities both in Arizona and nationally. These tables are:

  1. Table AA2 Number of Children Aged 6-21 Served Under IDEA During the 1996-1997 School Year.
  2. Table AB2 Number of Children Aged 6-21 Served in Different Educational Environments Under IDEA, Part B, During the 1996-1997 School Year.

    Once you have reviewed these documents, answer the following questions.

1. How many children with learning disabilities attend our public schools (total number across the nation)?

2. How many children with emotional or behavioral disorders are in our public schools (total number across the nation)?

3. How many children with mild mental retardation are in our public schools (total number across the nation)?

4. How many children with learning disabilities are there in Arizona's public schools?

5. How many children with emotional or behavioral disorders are there in Arizona's public schools?

6. How many children with mild mental retardation are there in Arizona's public schools?

7. Do the figures from Arizona differ significantly from the national averages? If so, how different are they? NOTE: You will need to compare these figures by percentages to determine whether Arizona's figures are different.

8. How are students with mild disabilities distributed in special education placements nationally? (e.g., How many are in resource rooms? self-contained? etc.)

9. Approximately how long did this assignment take to complete?

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your E-mail address:

Once you have filled in the areas above, click the Send button below to send your response to the instructor.


E-mail Larry Gallagher at


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