Dr. Nancy Riggs

GLG 101, Fall, 2011

Geology is the study of the earth, including its composition, how it was formed,

and processes that continue to change it. This course gives an introduction to

physical geology: its basic material and processes that form the earth, the application of

scientific methodology in understanding the earth, and the processes that continue to

shape and change the earth.

GLG 101 is a liberal studies course under the Laboratory Science distribution block.


Because we will be a class of fewer than 50 students, we will do a lot of hands-on,

creative learning. Do NOT expect to have to sit through 3 hours of lecture every week.

You will learn through doing group projects, web-based projects, in-class individual

projects,  presentations of your own research, AND the traditional listen-to-lecture method.  

Before you roll your eyes at group work, please remember that everyone has one or two styles of

learning that work best for them,  and just as perhaps you prefer lectures (it’s really easy),

someone else may learn best through group work.