PERIOD: Late Pueblo II- Early Pueblo III.

DATES: A.D. 1070-1180 (Mills, Goetze, and Zedeno 1993; but see Breternitz 1966; Colton 1958; Downum 1988).

See Ware Description, except:

Surface Appearance: Bowl interiors and exterior jar surfaces are polished, and well compacted. Often coated with a thin (to thick) white slip. Bowl exteriors often scraped, but not polished. Occasional fire clouds occur on surface.

Surface Color: White, bluish white or pearl gray.

Vessel Forms: Bowls, jars, ladles (rare).

Rims: Uniform side walls usually with rounded lip, flat or beveled lip rare.

Decoration and Paint: Painted, line width averages 6.7 mm., range 5-8 mm. Carbon paint black, sometimes brownish. Design elements include triangles, elongated triangles, and barbs, often interlocking. Interlocking hooks, stepped elements, and wide parallel lines common. Interlocking scrolls rare. Designs are bold and free, and generally well executed. Ratio of black to white is nearly even, or tends toward more white. Bowls usually have a lunate design layout, centers are often undecorated. Jars have a band of design encircling the body with a different, simpler design around the neck.

RANGE: Northeastern Arizona.

COMPARISON: Black Mesa Black-on-white, treatment somewhat less bold and execution less precise; elements more closely massed; pendant dots and continuous rows of solid triangles, frequent. Flagstaff Black-on-white, somewhat less bold in treatment, width of lines avg. 3.5 mm.; pinnate lines and coarse cross-hatching frequent; often rather less well-polished. Little Colorado White Ware Holbrook B Black-on-white has a dark gray paste, sherd temper, and surface has a heavy white slip. Cibola White Ware Escavada and Puerco Black-on-white have mineral paint.


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Sosi Black-on-white