Read, Watch and Critique
We have some serious movie watching and book reading to do! There are
six ways to evaluate the books and movies. Each takes a look at different
perspectives in understanding special education and the students we hope
to serve. In some cases we look at the role of parents, society, economics.
In some cases we look at how we tend to treat one another.
Three main purposes are served by this assignment.
The first
is to get a better perspective on the disabilities and learn how they
affect everyone involved..
second is to see how our culture and perspectives are affecting those
who have disabilities and the way we serve them and perceive them. It's
one of those Gordian knots - a puzzle within a conundrum.
third is to see humanity -- people instead of issues. It's asking for
heart as understanding.
Follow these steps to complete the assignment.
- Identify five service areas of special significance or personal interest.
Remember, these will be selected from the ten service categories: (If
you click on the word in this table it will take you to the secret files).
*If you were interested in any
of the following categories of disability: Orthepedic Impairment, Health
Impairment, Mental Retardation, Autism or TBI, you can learn more about
Low -incidence disabilities and related training opportunities by visiting
the IMPACT PROJECT website. Take
me to the ImPACT website.
You can also click on these cells for a short list of movies and
- Identify five (required) books or movies to watch that depict the
categories you choose. Feel free to get excited and watch many more
for personal insight and entertainment. Use the FAQ's
link for a quick list of professor favorites. There are comprehensive
lists of good choices in the secret
files.. In addition, each text gives suggestions at the end of the
chapters. Identify five books or movies to watch that depict the categories
you choose.
- There are six critique options from which you may choose. They are
detailed below. Choose critiques that fit the movie of book you are
watching. There is a link to each critique option. There is a link on
each critique that will allow you to send in your assignment electronically.
Assignment Summary
- 2000+ choices of books and movies to choose from
- Books and movies are equally appropriate - either or a combination
will do
- Read five books or watch five movies (5 are
- Choose a critique option that fits with your review (5 critiques
will be turned in, 4 different kinds are required-the options
that are starred below ) -- Could you watch one movie and do five different
critiques of that one movie? Not an option - sorry!
- OK, OK, I get it!! Five different movies or books, over five different
categories with five reports (four different kinds).
I watch them with my buddies and sip a carrot smoothie? ABSOLUTELY!
How about some popcorn?
Critique Options
Once you have finished you should:
Go back to Critic's
Corner - Two Ears Up
J'Anne Affeld at
Course developed by J'Anne
& Martha
Copyright © 1999 Northern
Arizona University