Behavior Management Pro-active Technique Developmental Discipline
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ESE502 : The Class : Discipline : Content : Assignment7-2-3

Process and Product Tasks

To complete this assignment successfully, you should:

  1. Study the assignment carefully
  2. Enter your response(s) in the space(s) provided
  3. Fill in your Name and Email address
  4. Send the Assignment

Directions: Choose one of the tasks below and turn it in for credit. Provide your own grading system and number of points to be accrued. Send it when completed. Remember to include the specific task chosen as well as the grading criteria or rubric.

[Enjoy doing as many of the suggested activities as you choose, and in each case provide the points you wish to have for the effort expended. If these correspond with district tasks, all the better!]

  1. List process and product concepts that fit for combining into lesson plans.

      Example: Process
      Using mnemonics
      Letter writing
      Memorize bones of the body

  2. Make a task analysis of a specific grade and skill - say, Communications- 7th grade, with break out of skills, possible objectives, and then ways to evaluate the acquisition of the skills.

  3. Develop evaluation methods for showing successful teaching of process.

  4. Analyze the pros and cons of the evaluation methods suggested. Change perspective at least twice. For instance, what would administration be likely to see as strengths and weaknesses?

  5. Develop a sample report card or reporting system. How could it be computerized? Click here to see the instructor’s sample report card.

  6. Evaluate the potential outcomes, positive and negative, if we were to increase classroom emphasis on relationship and process and actively teach them to students rather than assuming that acquisition automatically occurred.

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your Email address:

Once you have filled in the areas above, click the Send button below to send your response to the instructor.


E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at


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