Pro-Active Discipline and Business ManagementTo complete this assignment successfully, you should:
Pro-active discipline is complex. Certain foundational pieces may be essential to the art and practice of a pro-active management plan. If so, it may be possible to find evidence of these ideas in business management literature. Find five or more sites in pro-active business management. Look for similarities between teacher as educational leader and human relations and employee management. Try: Tom Peters, McGregor, X-Y Theory, Margaret Wheatley, Steven Covey, Hersey & Blanchard, Deming, Quality Circles, John Goodlad
Are there conflicts? Should children have rights in the classroom? In what ways do labor and management illuminate teaching responsibility to students? student responsibility to teachers? Did the material suggest a connection with work ethic or production? Share the URL's and your findings in the VCC. Add comments to others who complete this assignment. Once you have read and discussed these ideas, send a one minute essay to the instructor, sharing your findings and feelings. E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu
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