Behavior Management Pro-active Technique Developmental Discipline
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ESE502 : The Class : Discipline : Levels : Lesson7-3-4

Developmental Discipline - Capstone Level

Teacher     Mentor, Protagonist, Coach, World Citizen

    • vision • mature • pace-setter • humorist • dedication • bellwether • genial • well versed in subject • affirming • adaptable • just and honorable • deeply committed • resilient • reflective

The teacher successfully engages young adult students in the challenge to move from the search for self and self understanding, the need for peer approval and self certitude to the full flow of human involvement and recognizing social as well as personal responsibility. In a sense it can be described thus:
    From 1) “Who am I?” and 2) “I’ve got to be me!”
          to 3) “This I can give. . .”
    From 1) “I need to be popular” and 2) “I belong to the _____ group!”
          to 3) “I can contribute to our community by . . .”
    From 1) “This is the only answer!” 2) “There is only one truth - mine!”
          to 3) “Let’s look for options and novel ways to respond.”
    (”There’s more than one way to skin a cat!”)
Student     Self governance, giving of self and talents, sharing personal strengths,expanding visions and potential
  • respects self
  • self motivated
  • fulfills responsibilities
  • tolerates differences and ambivalence
  • desires understanding of others, purpose of life
  • maintains standards and rules out of respect
  • feels a sense of duty and responsibility for promoting social welfare
• interesting, • demanding and challenging • reality based • process involved • evaluated through mastery with student input • tooled to individual ability • developed to dovetail with world of work • integrated projects and units • utilizes gifts and talents to deepen skills, help others • energizing and motivating approaches to content • Socratic and dialectic approaches interspersed with fact finding • synthesis, creativity and analysis modeled, honored & expected • dedicated to synthesis of student development and well being with social good

Classroom Tools

• genuineness • stimulation • respect for self • courtesy • self discipline • self esteem • valuing others and the dignity of life • initiative • honor • self exploration • initiative • organization • organization • integrity • scholarship and high demand • stewardship • respect for authority • truthfulness & honesty to & about self & others • competence • dedication to social and personal responsibility

Juniors and Seniors

As students move through the developmental levels a myriad of complex factors compound, giving a wide variation to growth. Though many 16 and 17 year old students are prepared to move forward in their quest for a part to play in society, many are not. Though many are now able to see consequences of actions and potential risks in choices, others still fight for the right to choose rather than questioning the impact of choices on self or others.

Adolescence is stretched out into adulthood in current western cultures. Conventional wisdom during the 1970’s suggested that many people were completing adolescence around the age of 29. Thus, becoming a junior or senior does not insure student preparedness for assuming the mantle of adulthood, but it does signal a common time for the developmental urges which move the student toward dedication and believing that individuals can make a difference in the world. Many are motivated by the belief that they will be able to make important contributions. It may signal a move toward dedication of self and the belief. “ If one person can make a difference in the world, I can.” Many are ready to be individuals in their own right.

Nearly all juniors and seniors have the full array of cognitive tools and the capacity to learn. Many have not acquired academic tools, in part because there is no match between those tools and their learning strengths and gifts, in part because they have failed to discipline themselves, partly because they see no practical need for them. Most of these students are spring loaded with a need to be a special person and most desire recognition and help with that journey.

Many times there is a mismatch between the life tasks these adolescents see for themselves and the school agenda. There may be an additional mismatch in the general focus of the secondary teacher and the needs of the students. In general, secondary teachers are trained and certified as practitioners in specific fields of knowledge. The emphasis on content and competency in those content areas is considered paramount during their teacher training. Secondary teachers are trained to impart content.

There are two paradoxical forces occurring which make this focus on content and lack of focus on student, inadvisable. The first is the student detachment from adults as referents who impact self esteem, and the simultaneous look to peers for approval and validation. The second is the adolescent striving for validation of self as a unique and special person. Both of these compelling forces divert student energy and attention from viewing or valuing school curriculum as important or a valuable and vital recipient of quality time and energy.

With a few students, successful accomplishment of learning in a particular field with a specific teacher provides validation. For example, if Mary is a talented writer, self motivated and filled with a sense of hope about a future as a novelist, there may be a bond between Mary and the Honors English teacher, especially if the teacher explicitly values Mary’s writing and exclaims over it. Though Mary may not do well in math and may shun her science classes or do average work in other courses, (and that does not necessarily translate to poor grades, just less effort and dedication) she does have a compelling reason for coming to school and contributing to the well being of the school setting.

Generally, the top ten per cent of students make those attachments and value school because they are able to see the link between academic advancement and the future they desire. They appreciate being valued by teachers, and are self motivated to work and develop skills which are college preparatory. In these cases, the teaching learning relationship and success at learning are adequate to assure compliance with rules and contribution to a learning community.

In addition, there are usually 5-10% of the students who are highly motivated to work to get scholarships, to make high marks and are well matched with the way high school is presented. These students appreciate the rigor of academics and value the feeling of self fulfillment which comes from pitting self against a challenge, from trying and succeeding. These students see an “A” as a goal, hope to give the valedictory speech, and work relentlessly, regardless of the personal cost.

Perhaps 10-15% of the students enthusiastically attend school because of the athletic, music and drama and extra-curricular opportunities. Clubs, organizations and areas for exploring individual gifts and talents, for being known as the first string quarterback, sitting first chair in band or orchestra, being a cheer leader, taking pictures for the school paper, provide enough notoriety and positive attachment that attending school, turning in assignments and following school policy are palatable.

Another 25-30% of the high school student population attends and participates because of the social milieu. “Want to hang out? Well school is where everybody is, man.” There is a certain amount of subject surfing which occurs because the student is in class. This group of students generally bend the rules to meet personal needs, but attend most classes, turn in the majority of assignments and make a stab at tests, even if they did not actively study. These young people are susceptible to good teaching and can be motivated to learn, but do not seem fully engaged in academics. Almost through exposure and osmosis, some content is acquired. School leaders and popular students may have fit into other categories, or may be involved with the school because their social needs are met and they are accorded value through their interactions within the school setting.

The students we have grouped together probably make up 70% of secondary education. The students attend fairly regularly, are getting something out of coming to the school, get into very little trouble, only occasionally become part of the disciplinary process with the school. These figures also translate into the high school success rate of graduating 75% of the students.

It is an important distinction to make here, that though there is little disruption from these students, there is limited evidence that we are fully and effectively meeting their true needs. There is much to suggest that in looking at quality of education, inspiration for future learning, development of reasoning and preparation of individuals to contribute gifts, talents and abilities to society, we are neither fulfilling that trust nor reaching beyond to see the greater challenge.

Discipline is. . .

Being realistic about what is occurring in secondary education is not the same as school or teacher bashing. It is important to be clear about what is occurring in schools and to gather and process the student perceptions of what is happening because discipline is much more than assuring ourselves that students are relatively safe or that they know how to behave and have been told what will occur if they do not follow rules. Discipline, as it applies to education, is:
  1. Student as life long learner, reflector, problem-solver, creator
         [Discipline of mind and thoughts]
  2. Student as pursuer of self knowledge, self awareness, self control, self acceptance, self actualization
         [Discipline of body and self through understanding]
  3. Student as knowledgeable and valued participant in relationship and community; able to perceive and value the perspectives and needs of others and to meld self interest with societal growth and development
         [Discipline of heteronomy ]
  4. Student as creator and perpetuator of humane and advancing civilization
         [Discipline of energy, gifts and talents]
  5. Student as contributor through a life of dedication to principles of decency and sharing of personal strengths in the world of work
         [Discipline as work ethic and self honor]
It is important for teachers to assess the goodness of fit between what was experienced in high school, what we were taught to provide as teachers, and whether or not we are providing what students and society need. It is also important for teachers to reflect on how to best utilize their own gifts, talents and energy to make a personal contribution to students and society. Teachers, after all, are the models and mentors to whom students will look if these forms of discipline are to be transmitted and valued.

Disparity of ability

Another important consideration comes from the expanse of ability involved in working to meet the needs of adolescents. This time in human development probably represents the apex of disparity in capacity, interest and ability along all areas of the PEPSI or areas of development. This is a vital time for individualizing the educational plan for each student and working in mentorships and partnerships to explore, expand and develop student capability. Students are currently attending to these needs by “pairing” or coupling. For those students who wish to become homemakers and who have limited ability to develop meaningful societal skills, this may be appropriate. For society and other students, this may be a counterproductive diversion of energy.

If the students experienced working in a classroom setting similar to the Learning Community (discipline level discussed earlier), they have group skills, and relationship concepts. Those adolescents who have not experienced this can benefit from being offered the training and understanding of group dynamics and the power of shared learning. Cooperative learning and group process can continue and be enhanced with better conflict resolution skills and communication skills.

If the students experienced working in a classroom setting similar to the Content Emphasis (discipline level discussed earlier), they have acquired learning and problem solving skills. Those adolescents who have not acquired organizational, thinking and problem solving skills may be offered this training before a schedule is developed to continue academic work.

Summary of Tools and Procedures for Initiating the Capstone Level

This is a capstone program. Students demonstrate readiness to participate and participation is seen as a “graduation into” more mature learning avenues. Students must be nominated by a teacher, parent, or community leader. Once the student is nominated a portfolio is presented to the school committee to establish readiness for preparation. The portfolio might include
  1. Evidence of satisfactory acquisition of high school level literacy.
  2. Evidence of appropriate deportment and developmental readiness to work in the community.
  3. Letters of recommendation.
  4. Student request for service opportunity, outlining strengths and areas of interest.
  5. Parental confirmation of student’s readiness to provide community service.
Once the student is admitted into the service program, the program can be maintained much as a service club. A sponsor teacher could provide the organization and maintain contact with the community and parents with assistance from student members. To facilitate ease of running, the following documents might be part of the process once the student is admitted to the program:
  1. A participation contract, signed by self and parents
  2. List of off campus rules, school handbook, privilege and consequence lists
  3. Self management plan and monitoring sheets
  4. Calendar (weekly or monthly) noting good days, record of infractions,
  5. Self reflection sheets, developing personal insights into strengths and areas of vocational interest as growth occurs through service to others.
  6. Life skill or process lessons.
  7. Picking up fine points of communication , listening and observation skills.
Teacher Preparation steps
  1. Assess personal philosophy for consistency and human centered beliefs
  2. List procedures and routines which can be taught to assist students to take personal responsibility and maintain a secure work environment.
  3. Determine to model a pattern of consistency, concern, self discipline.
  4. Set rules and provide natural and logical consequences, including removal from the program,in the place of punitive measures.
  5. Set up a role sheet or computer process for keeping track of

      1. Daily location
      2. Hours served
      3. Means of transportation
      4. Volunteer site coordinators
      e. Progress
       f. Skill acquisition
      g. Commendations
      h. Infractions

  6. Establish uniformity between work site practices and school policy, being certain parents are alerted to policy and willing to reinforce school and teacher actions.
Role of the Teacher

The role of teacher has already been discussed at some length, since it is such a vital part of the interactive atmosphere necessary for good education. Again, it is the individual teacher who makes this possible through a personal life of self value and modeling the valuing of others. Elements of such a creed of living might start something like this:
  1. Show respect and courtesy for all - especially a reverence for self.
  2. Display patience and love in even the most trying situation.
  3. Never belittle others or allow them to be belittled in our presence.
  4. Practice and speak a respect for goodness.
  5. Praise and display a joy of learning and joie de vivre.
  6. Celebrate learning in as many ways as possible.
  7. Express gratitude freely and frequently.
  8. Show humility through appreciating personal strengths of self and others.
  9. Recognize the human right and need to err through patience and use of true apology.
  10. Communicate personal needs to others.
  11. Negotiate conflicts rather than allowing them to stack up or feel victimized.
  12. Develop and practice a personal and professional code of ethics.
By accepting the responsibility of valuing self as a person, the teacher gives students an honorable model. Through the process of recognizing personal areas of strength and weakness, the teacher automatically provides an environment of safety for self and for struggling adolescents to become more secure in energizing personal growth through self management. Through living, modeling and verbalizing personal acceptance, the teacher gives the gift of compassion to self as well as to students. As the students become involved in the lives of others, the modeling of the teacher and mentor will surface repeatedly.

Day One
Enhancing current practice

The Value Rules which are to be developed at this level include Give - You can make a difference and Show self respect in your choices. The program for this level is based on differentiating between personalized ideas and a global vision. The students work to accept and value personal strengths, achievements, and traits. They focus on recognizing the complexity of life, moral issues and ideals. Many students are also involved in building relationships and valuing intimacy.

Implementation steps:
  1. Introduce students to the rules, procedures, routines and the learning contract for community service.

    1. Explain reasons when necessary
    2. Drill those things which will need to be routine
    3. Set up a time weekly, for discussing the community service experiences
    4. Pass out the student contracts, parent permission slips and guideline packet for discussion and signatures

  2. Explain grading policy.
  3. Go through the Self Management worksheet showing how it will be used.
  4. Review the disciplinary process for students and provide the levels of infractions which might lead to dismissal from the community service program. Through this process, several benefits occur:

    1. We provide a setting with stability, structure and consistency.
    2. We further the development of community and respect for the rights of others as a practice.
    3. We guide students in dispelling the ‘we - they’ gang as society perception.
    4. We develop a sense of ecological balance as vital for community.
    5. We provide opportunities for students to grasp higher moral reasoning, to practice the concepts and explore the impact of self and others, thus moving students toward valuing, and therefore assisting in maintaining a democratic community.
    6. We assist students in the development of being and doing esteem through the utilization of time, energy and personal strengths.
    7. We guide students in self recognition and valuing of true gifts and strengths through volunteer opportunities.
    8. We involve students in looking for the meaning of being human, valuing human life, and working to develop an understanding of human nature - self and others.
    9. We prepare students to enter the world of work since this preparation to work as a volunteer in the community provides training in:

        resume and portfolio preparation
        job interviewing
        phone answering skills
        proper dress
        attendance and punctuality
        service demeanor with customers and clients
        professional ethics
        loyalty to a company and importance of honoring a contract
        work ethic and commitment to task

Once you have finished you should:

Go on to On-line Lesson 5
Go back to Levels

E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at


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