Technique: Prevent when possible and deescalate at lowest point
Student |
Teacher |
Anxiety |
Puts head down
Holds head in hand |
Active listening
Nonjudgmental talk
Frustration |
Taps pencil
Wads up paper
Rips paper or breaks pencil when writing
Fidgets and walks around |
Proximity-moves closer
Hurdle assistance
Boosts interest
Change activity
Verbal aggression |
Slams book or fist
Yells or argues with teacher or student
Name calls or "put-downs" |
Support through routines
Behavior specific dialogue
Conflict resolution
Personal responsibility |
Physical aggression |
Throws something
Makes threatening stance
Intimidates a person
Hurts self or others |
Deescalate -verbally and physically
Give real choices |
Adapted from Johns, B. H & Carr, V. G. (1995). Techniques for managing
verbally and physically aggressive students. Denver: Love.
Behavior specific dialogue:
How can I help you gain control? What will help you the most right
now? Let’s do some deep breathing and chill. I’m proud of you for not hurting
anyone. You’re doing better.
Strategy |
Behavioristic |
Cognitive |
Humanistic |
Physiological |
Psychodynamic |
Program |
Behaviorism |
Essentialism |
Existentialism |
Perennialism |
Progressivism |
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E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu

Copyright © 1999
Northern Arizona University