Technique: Time management is important and it is a skill that can be developed. It is important to remember that being on time is highly rated by middle class America, but may not be valued by all students.
Good excuses:
- Bullying occurs during lunch hour and between some classes so some students wait until after the bell rings to venture into halls.
- Some student find the lack of privacy in bathrooms very intrusive. Waiting until the bell rings provides time in the bathroom without an audience.
- Some students have problems with lockers and organization. Getting the lock undone is difficult at times, as is finding the locker full of shaving cream once it is open. Of course, at times one finds that the wrong lock has been placed on the locker - just a wee practical joke.
- If a teacher keeps a student after class or a student stays after class to ask for clarification or complete a disciplinary action, it may be impossible to make it to the next class on time.
- The student is scrambling to find a pencil and paper because during hazing, an upper classman broke the pencil and waded up the paper.
Poor excuses (the ones we seldom hear):
- One last puff
- One last kiss
- A little drug business
- Had to finish getting the highest score on the video game
- The place where we went for lunch was across town and there was heavy traffic.
- “My pet spider had babies and I was naming them.”
Rather than asking for an excuse or refusing to accept any excuses, set up the classroom so that students hate to miss the first few minutes of class.
- On time and ready to work gives the student 5 points of extra credit.
- Answers to homework problems are given out the first five minutes of class.
- Quizzes occur as the bell rings and cannot be made up.
- A treat is periodically provided to students who arrive and are seated prior to the bell.
- All students on time for ten days equals a video day or an additional cooperative learning opportunity.
- Student ideas:
- Personal ideas:
Strategy |
Behavioristic |
Cognitive |
Humanistic |
Physiological |
Psychodynamic |
Program |
Behaviorism |
Essentialism |
Existentialism |
Perennialism |
Progressivism |
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E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu

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Northern Arizona University