Lack of Work Ethic
Technique: This is an important life skill. Look for the block. Most students have a great work ethic. True, it may be for Nintendo, cartooning or surfing the ‘net’. Most lack of direction or lack of interest refers to your direction.
It helps to remember that many brilliant and successful people had excellent energy when it came to their areas of expertise, but that may or may not have shown up in the school setting. Gifted and talented youngsters are often perceived as having problems with bringing tasks to completion. Sometimes this is due to a wide area of interests and distractibility. Sometimes it occurs because the student learns what is desired from the quest. It may be, too, that part way through building the dream or completing the task there is a realization that it is the wrong direction, or it doesn’t measure up the original vision, or there is no one to help them extend and prod beyond the apparent wall. Fact finding may be an answer.
- Check the following Informal Learning Style Inventory to see if there is a disparity in learning styles and work assignments.
- Ask the student why the work is not compelling (not what is wrong with you, but what is the problem with the match between course requirements and the student).
- If the student is “in over his head” assess if it will be possible to provide a means for success. If not, a transfer should be considered. [Please remember that we are meeting student needs, not meeting school regulations. If the student were new to the district, it would be possible to come up with a new schedule regardless of when it is in the semester.]
- Look within the class for student support. Many students who are at the cusp of understanding make the best tutors. Having just eked out an understanding, it helps them to consolidate the ideas while it helps the student being tutored to see short cuts and know it can be learned.
- Look for ways to make small gains.
- Assess the evaluation system to determine if a grading curve and competitive scoring is adding to the work ethic problem. If so, try a mastery based measurement and reporting program.
Medical concerns: Be alert to this!
- There are numerous medical reasons for lethargy, lack of energy and weariness, including a student with Aids.
- Use of drugs and substance abuse can also mirror a medical cause for fatigue and lack of energy.
- Several emotional and personality disorders may also include this as a component of the problem or as a side effect of drug therapy for these disorders.
Strategy |
Behavioristic |
Cognitive |
Humanistic |
Physiological |
Psychodynamic |
Program |
Behaviorism |
Essentialism |
Existentialism |
Perennialism |
Progressivism |
Informal Learning Inventory
sequential | random |
focusing | simultaneous |
separating | integrating |
parts | whole |
discriminate | generalize |
abstract | concrete |
compartmentalization | differentiation |
narrow categories | broad categories |
analyze by describing | draw relationships |
reflective | impulsive |
deductive | inductive |
convergent | divergent |
analytic | global |
splitter | combiner | |
logical | metaphoric |
words | images |
time-oriented | nontemporal |
digital | spatial |
details and facts | generalizations |
careful | quick |
literal | figurative |
outline | summarize |
surface approach | deep approach |
memorize | associate/ understand |
verbal | nonverbal |
communication | communication |
implications | analogies |
Affective Style
objective | subjective |
practical | theoretical |
reality | fantasy |
subject oriented | object oriented |
realistic | imaginative |
intellectual | rounded |
close-minded | open-minded |
conformist | individualist |
concentration | distraction |
reserved | outgoing |
thinker | intuiter |
rigid | flexible |
Groucho humor | Harpo humor |
competitive | cooperative |
structured | unstructured |
intrinsic motivation | extrinsic motivation |
persistent | gives up easily |
cautious | risk taking |
intolerant of ambiguity | tolerant of ambiguity |
internal locus of control | external locus of control |
leader | follower |
future oriented | live in present |
dislikes pressure | tolerates pressure |
likes working alone | likes group work |
Left Brain oriented | Right brain oriented |
systematic, structured, organized | Flexible, creative, likes groups |
From Cornett, C. E. (1983) What you should know about teaching and learning styles. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappan.
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E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu
Copyright © 1999
Northern Arizona University