ESE 670
Getting Started Syllabus Class communicate library help


Module Seven

Community building


8. Demonstrate the ability to make programming and management decisions impacting students identified as E/BD

9. Demonstrate the ability to improve professional skills through continuing education and involvement in collaborative activities with community agencies

10. Demonstrate an awareness of strategies and interventions pertinent to the social and academic needs of students identified as E/BD

Solutions: If working with this population is fairly new to you, there is a great deal to learn. This class is just the exciting beginning. There are many authorities and a great number of educational experiences available. In Activity One, you will locate several in-service, online or course options available for continuing education credit and report on it.

The rest of this class is about finding supportive, corrective and preventive ways to help youngsters, teachers, and parents deal with the emotional and behavioral issues in the most productive manner.


Go to Reading One

Reading One

Reading Two

Activity One

Activity Two