Unit 6

  English 201: 
  Masterpieces of Western Literature
.Unit 6 Reading Course Reading Entry Page
Introduction Background .Explication Questions Review

Chat:  Consider these questions before you log-on to the chat session.  You do not have to write essay answers, but you should look at relevant passages of the text & jot down several points before the chat session so that you can easily contribute to the discussion.

Blinding Polyphemos

Short Answers: E-mail your answers.  Make sure the subject line says: unit06.

  1. Even though blinded, Polyphemos guards the door & tries to catch OD & his men.  How do they escape the cave?
  2. Elpenor is the first shade to greet OD.  How did he die?
  3. Who is being described in this passage?

  4. He owns no bedding, rugs, or fleecy mantles,
    but lies down, winter nights, among the slaves
  5. Who is described in this passage?

  6. first among all the Danaans in strength
    & bodily beauty, next to prince AK
  7. What is the name of AK's son?
  8. Through his adventures, told in these books 9-12, OD loses various men at different times.  Finally the remaining troops all perish in one incident.  What was the cause of Zeus anger?

  9. Zeus let fly
    a bolt against the ship, a direct hit.
    No more seafaring
    homeward for these, no sweet day of return;
    the god had turned his face from them.

Escaping Polyphemos by Clinging to Sheep

 Go to the top & click on the last section: Review above.