Technical writers want to make their work easy for their reader to understand. They want their reader to be able to see the main ideas and the support for them as quickly as possible. Technical writers also do not like prose that much. Their readers like prose even less. One way to make everybody happy is to use as many graphics--or in other words, as few words--as possible.
In this Topic, we will explore Graphics in Technical Communication.
To complete this Topic successfully, please complete the following activities in the order shown below:
ON-LINE LESSON: Interactive Overview of Topic 4
ASSIGNMENT 1: Construct a Table
ASSIGNMENT 2: Graphics, Part 2
ASSIGNMENT 3: Graphics, Part 3
GROUP ASSIGNMENT 1: Continue Group Project
WEB ACTIVITY 1: Explore Technical Writing Sites on the WWW
TEXTBOOK READING: "Information in Action", Read Chapters 3 and 12
Go on to module two, The Process of Technical Writing
Go back to the graphics topic page
E-mail Greg Larkin at
or call (520) 523-4911
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Northern Arizona University