Week of Term
Day and Date
What to Have Read What to Have Completed What We Will Do In Class
Week 11
Monday, 04-03
THEME: Science, Ethics

Wadsworth Handbook -
Chapter 42
Chapter 44

Pearsall, T.E., et al. Persuasion and the Scientific Argument (Cline Reserves)

Pearsall, T.E., et al. (2000).Workplace correspondence. How to Write for the World of Work (6th Edition, pp. 222-250). Boston.

Student Presentations
Wednesday, 04-05

(2004, June).Stem cells: A way forward. Scientific American, 290(6) 12 (1p).

(2004, April 24). Two parents, same sex. New Scientist, 182 (2444), 5 (1/2p).

Wadsworth Handbook - Chapter 28. (Note: p. 624)

Student Presentations
Friday, 04-07
Memo 1 Due
(see Module 3 in WebCT)
Week 12
Monday, 04-10
THEME: Fine Art, Technology

Hsu, C. (2004, April 5). Artists who changed how we see. U.S. News & World Report, 136 , (11) 75(1/3p) 3bw; (AN 12649133).

Miles Davis

Draft of Presentation Due
(see Module
4 in WebCT)
Student Presentations

Not for Ourselves Alone Make sure you have the volume turned up, and that you have Flash player. Peruse and go through a timeline.

Draft of Presentation Due
(see Module
4 in WebCT)
Student Presentations
Draft of Presentation Due
(see Module
4 in WebCT)
Student Presentations
Week 13
Monday, 04-17
Please attend and participate as an audience member. Your absence during these final presentations is noted and does affect your grade. Final Presentations  
Wednesday 04-19
Audience Pariticipation Final Presentations  
Friday 04-21
Audience Pariticipation Final Presentations  
Week 14
Monday, 04-24
Audience Pariticipation Final Presentations  
Wednesday 04-26
Audience Pariticipation Final Presentations  
Friday 04-28
Audience Pariticipation Final Presentations  
Week 15
Monday, 05-01
Audience Pariticipation Final Presentations  
Wednesday 05-03
Audience Pariticipation Final Presentations  
Friday 05-05
Review rhetoric, grammar, punctuation, c.r.a.p.

Wrap-Up, Final Quiz ,

Hand in your
Final Paper
Final Project


Weeks 6-10

Weeks 1-5