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BA501 : The Class : Class Members Page
Class Members Page

You may submit a digital photo to be included on this class page. If you wish, I will include your e-mail address. All of this is optional.


For the statistics module: Dr. James V. Pinto (click for resume information). Dr. Pinto is the coordinator for both models in the course. All assignments are to be sent to him.

Click here for Dr. Pinto's web page for all his classes.

Dr. James V. Pinto

For the POM module: Dr. Rakesh Pangasa (click for BA301 class web page). Click here for his home page.

Dr.  Rakesh Pangasa

Class Members

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Please reference "BA501 (your last name) Assignment name and number" in the subject line of either below.

E-mail Dr. James V. Pinto at
or call (520) 523-7356. Use WebMail for attachments.

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