Understanding Mild Disabilities and Special Education Students with Disabilities Forming Partnerships Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities
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ESE424 : The Class : Understanding : Disabilities : Beyond Affliction

Textbook Reading

Approximate Time: 1 hour

For this first topic, you need to read Chapter 2 "Students with Mild Mental Retardation" (pp.45-85) in you textbook. When you are finished reading Chapter 2, you should be able to answer these questions:

  1. Why were intelligence tests developed and how they have changed over time?
  2. How is mental retardation defined?
  3. Who are the "six hour retarded"?
  4. What is the difference between mild mental retardation and other levels of retardation?
  5. What is the approximate prevalence of mental retardation in our schools?
  6. What are some of the causes of mental retardation?
  7. What are at least two cognitive, mental processing, academic, communication, perceptual/motor, and social/adaptive characteristics of a child with mild mental retardation?
  8. What does the term "new students with mental retardation" mean?
  9. What are three general educational interventions for children with mild mental retardation?

E-mail the instructor at Larry.Gallagher@nau.edu

Once you have completed all assignments in these topics, you should:

Go on to the Online Lesson Online Lesson: What is Mental Retardation?
Go back to The Class Page

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