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BA501 : The Class : Stats : Hypothesis : Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis Testing

§ Excel and Equations §

Excel- commands used in this topic (Excel in Office 97 and Office 2000)

§ Summary Statistics § Z Test of Hypotheses Spreadsheet §

§ Z Two-Tailed § Z One-Tail Left § Z One-Tail Right §

§ t Hypothesis Test Spreadsheet § t Two-Tailed § t One-Tail Left §

§ t One-Tail Right § Equation Summary §

1. Obtaining "summary statistics" output from Tools-Data Analysis-Descriptive Statistics necessary to do other operations.   If Data Analysis does not show up, then click on Tools-Addins and select the top two options of Analysis Pack and Analysis Pack VBA.


2. Z Test of Hypotheses Spreadsheet- you may use these examples to do hypothesis tests in Excel or you may load the Excel add-in which comes with the Kvanli text book. The add-in makes the process much easier.

Here is a reference spreadsheet showing the location of all important cells used in the hypothesis examples found below:

Data: 240, 250, 230, 245, 235, 241, 239, 242, 238, 243, 237, 244, 236, 246, 234, 248, 232, 249, 231, 250, 230, 230, 250, 210, 270, 211, 269, 200, 280, 199, 281, 195, 285, 190, 290, 240

These sheets utilize the NORMSINV and NORMSDIST dialog boxes:

Click Paste Function-Statistical-NORMSINV

Click Paste Function-Statistical-NORMSDIST

A. Z Two-Tailed Hypothesis- you may use these examples to do hypothesis tests in Excel or you may load the Excel add-in which comes with the Kvanli text book. The add-in makes the process much easier.

(1) The critical values (table) in cell D25 (above) for the two-tailed Z hypothesis test has the following formula: =-1*NORMSINV(D21/2). D21 is alpha.

(2) The p-value for the two-tailed Z hypothesis test utilizing Z* has the following formula in cell D26 (above): =IF(D22<0,2*NORMSDIST(D22),2*(1-NORMSDIST(D22))). D22 is Z*.

(3) The decision utilizing the comparison of Z* to the table Z found in cell D27 (one could also compare the p-value to alpha): =IF(ABS(D22)>D25,"Reject","FTR"). D22is Z*. D25 is the table Z.

(4) You can also use an Excel built in two-tail Z test. Use Paste Function-Statistical-Ztest. This command yields the p-value for a two-tailed hypothesis test using Z.

B. Z One-Tail Left Hypothesis Test- you may use these examples to do hypothesis tests in Excel or you may load the Excel add-in which comes with the Kvanli text book. The add-in makes the process much easier.

(1) The critical value (table) for the one-tail left Z hypothesis test has the following formula in cell D31 (above): =(NORMSINV(D21)). D21 is alpha.

(2) The p-value in cell D32 (above) for the one-tail left Z hypothesis test utilizing Z* has the following formula: =NORMSDIST(D22). D22 is Z*.

(3) The decision found in cell D34 utilizing the comparison of Z* to the table Z (one could also compare the p-value to alpha): =IF(D22>D31,"Reject","FTR"). D22 is Z*. D31 is the table Z.

C. Z One-Tail Right Hypothesis Test- you may use these examples to do hypothesis tests in Excel or you may load the Excel add-in which comes with the Kvanli text book. The add-in makes the process much easier.

(1) The critical value (table) for the one-tail right Z hypothesis test has the following formula in cell D37 (above): =-1*NORMSINV(D21). D21 is alpha.

(2) The p-value for the one-tail right Z hypothesis test utilizing Z* has the following formula in cell D38 (above): =1-NORMSDIST(D22). D22 is Z*.

(3) The decision found in cell D39 (above) utilizing the comparison of Z* to the table Z (one could also compare the p-value to alpha): =IF(D37<D22,"Reject","FTR"). D37 is the table Z. D22 is Z*.

3. t Hypothesis Test Spreadsheet- you may use these examples to do hypothesis tests in Excel or you may load the Excel add-in which comes with the Kvanli text book. The add-in makes the process much easier.

See #1 above to find the steps to obtain Summary Statistics.

Here is a reference spreadsheet showing the location of all important cells used in the hypothesis examples found below:

Data: 1.6, 2.6, 0.6, 2.7, 0.5, 2.9, 0.3, 2.9, 0.3, 3.14, 0.06, 3.16, 0.04, 1.6

These sheet utilize the TINV and TDIST dialog boxes:

Click Paste Function-Statistical-TINV

Click Paste Function-Statistical-TDIST

A. t Two-Tailed Hypothesis- you may use these examples to do hypothesis tests in Excel or you may load the Excel add-in which comes with the Kvanli text book. The add-in makes the process much easier.

(1) The critical value (table) in cell D38 above for the two-tail t hypothesis test has the following formula: =(TINV(2*D23,D24). D23 is alpha. D24 is degrees of freedom.

(2) The p-value found in cell D39 above for the two-tailed t hypothesis test has the following formula: =TDIST(ABS(D25),D24,2). D25 is t*. D24 is degrees of freedom.

(3) The decision found in cell D40 utilizing the comparison of alpha to the p-value (one could also compare the t* to table t): =IF(D39<D23,"Reject","FTR"). D39 is the p-value. D23 is alpha.

B. t One-Tail Left Hypothesis Test- you may use these examples to do hypothesis tests in Excel or you may load the Excel add-in which comes with the Kvanli text book. The add-in makes the process much easier.

(1) The critical value (table) in cell D33 (above) for the one-tail left t hypothesis test has the following formula: =-1*TINV(2*D23,D24). D23 is alpha. D24 is degrees of freedom.

(2) The p-value found in cell D34 above for the one-tail left t hypothesis test has the following formula
=1-IF(D25<0,1-TDIST(ABS(D25),D24,1),TDIST(ABS(D25),D24,1). D25 is t*. D24 is degrees of freedom.

(3) The decision found in cell D35 utilizing the comparison of alpha to the p-value (one could also compare the t* to table t: =IF(D34<D23,"Reject","FTR"). . D34 is the p-value. D23 is alpha.

C. t One-Tail Right Hypothesis Test- you may use these examples to do hypothesis tests in Excel or you may load the Excel add-in which comes with the Kvanli text book. The add-in makes the process much easier.

(1) The critical value (table) in cell D28 (above) for the one-tail right t hypothesis test has the following formula: =(TINV(2*D23,D24)). D23 is alpha. D24 is degrees of freedom.

(2) The p-value found in cell D29 above for the one-tail right t hypothesis test has the following:
=IF(D25<0,1-TDIST(ABS(D25),D24,1),TDIST(ABS(D25),D24,1) is t*. D25 is t*. D24 is degrees of freedom.

(3) The decision found in cell D30 utilizing the comparison of alpha to the p-value (one could also compare the t* to table t): =IF(D29<D23,"Reject","FTR"). D29 is the p-value. D23 is alpha.


Equation Summary

§ Z*and t* § Large-Sample Two-Tailed Tests using Z §

§ Large-Sample One-Tail (left) Tests using Z §

§ Large-Sample One-Tail (right) Tests using Z §

§ Small-Sample Two-Tailed Tests using t §

§ Small Sample One-Tail (left) Tests using t §

§ Small-Sample One-Tail (right) Tests using t §

§ Procedure for Finding the p-value § Finding p-value using t §

§ Using p-value and alpha § no alpha § Other Hypothesis Tests §

1. Z* = [xbar - mo ] / [s /Ö n]

t* = [xbar - mo] / [s /Ö n]

2. Large-Sample Two-Tailed Tests using Z on the Population Mean, µ

Ho: m = mo

Ha: m ¹ mo

Reject Ho if |Z*| > Z a /2

FTR (support) Ho if |Z*| £ Z a /2

3. Large-Sample One-Tail (left) Tests using Z on the Population Mean, µ

Ho: m ³ mo

Ha: m < m o

Reject H o if Z* < - Z a

FTR(Support) H o if Z* ³ - Z a

4. Large-Sample One-Tail (right) Tests using Z on the Population Mean, µ

Ho: m £ mo

Ha: m > m o

Reject H o if Z* > Za

FTR(Support) H o if Z* £ Za

5. Small-Sample Two-Tailed Tests using t on the Population Mean, µ

Ho: m = mo

Ha: m ¹ mo

Reject Ho if |t*| > t a /2, df

FTR (support) Ho if |t*| £ t a /2,df

6. Small Sample One-Tail (left) Tests using t on the Population Mean, µ

Ho: m ³ mo

Ha: m < m o

Reject H o if t* < - t a ,df

FTR(Support) H o if t* ³ - t a ,df

7. Small-Sample One-Tail (right) Tests using t on the Population Mean, µ

Ho: m £ mo

Ha: m > m o

Reject H o if t* > ta ,df

FTR(Support) H o if t* £ ta ,df

8. Procedure for Finding the p-value:

(a) For Ha: m ¹ mo, p-value = ( 2 )(area outside Z* or t*)

(b) For Ha: m > mo, p-value = area to right of Z* or t*

(c) For Ha: m < mo, p-value = area to left of Z* or t*

9. Finding p-value using t

(a) go to t table

(b) find df row in problem: df = n - 1

(c) locate the value of t* on that row

(d) Note: probabilities are given by the subscript in t a at top of columns

10. Using p-value and alpha

Reject H o if p-value < a

FTR ( support ) H o if p-value ³ a

11. When no a:

Reject Ho if p-value < 0.01

FTR ( support ) Ho if p-value > 0.10

Test inconclusive if: 0.01 £ p-value £ 0.10

Other Hypothesis Tests not used at this site:

§ Two-Tailed Tests on the Population Means, m1 and m2 using Z §

§ One-Tail (left) Tests on the Population Means, m1 and m2 using Z §

§ One-Tail (right) Tests on the Population Means, m1 and m2 using Z §

§ Two-Tailed Tests on the Population Proportion, p, using Z §

§ One-Tail (left) Tests on the Population Proportion, p, using Z §

§ One-Tail (right) Tests on the Population Proportion, p, using Z §

§ Two-Tailed Tests on the Population Proportions, p 1 and p2, using Z §

§ One-Tail (left) Tests on the Population Proportions, p 1 and p2, using Z §

1. Large Independent Samples Hypothesis testing using Z for Two Means

A. Two-Tailed Tests on the Population Means, m1 and m2 using Z

Ho: m 1 = m2

Ha: m1 ¹ m2

Reject Ho if |Z*| > Z a /2

FTR (support) Ho if |Z*| £ Z a /2


Z* = [(Xbar1 - Xbar2) - (m 1 - m2 )]/ Ö [(s21/n1 + s 22/n2)]

Which is approximately equal to:

Z* = [(Xbar1 - Xbar2) - (m 1 - m2 )]/ Ö [(s21/n1 + s 22/n2)]

For n1 > 30 and n2 > 30

B. One-Tail (left) Tests on the Population Means, µ1 and µ2 using Z

Ho: m1 ³ m2

Ha: m1 < m2

Reject H o if Z* < - Z a

FTR(Support) H o if Z* ³ - Z a

C. One-Tail (right) Tests on the Population Means, µ1 and µ2 using Z

Ho: m1 £ m2

Ha: m1 > m2

Reject H o if Z* > Za

FTR(Support) H o if Z* £ Za

2. Large Sample Hypothesis testing for a Population Proportion

A. Two-Tailed Tests on the Population Proportion, p, using Z

Ho: p = p0

Ha: p ¹ p0

Reject Ho if |Z*| > Z a /2

FTR (support) Ho if |Z*| £ Z a /2


Z* = [(phat) - p 0]/ Ö {[p 0(1 - p0)]/n}


np 0 > 5 and n(1 - p 0) > 5

phat = proportion of sample having a specific attribute x

= x/n

B. One-Tail (left) Tests on the Population Proportion, p, using Z

Ho: p ³ p 0

Ha: p < p 0

Reject H o if Z* < - Z a

FTR(Support) H o if Z* ³ - Z a

C. One-Tail (right) Tests on the Population Proportion, p, using Z

Ho: p £ p 0

Ha: p > p 0

Reject H o if Z* > Za

FTR(Support) H o if Z* £ Za

3. Large Sample Hypothesis testing for a Population Proportions, p1 and p 2

A. Two-Tailed Tests on the Population Proportions, p 1 and p2, using Z

Ho: p 1 = p 2

Ha: p 1 ¹ p 2

Reject Ho if |Z*| > Z a /2

FTR (support) Ho if |Z*| £ Z a /2


Z* = [(p1hat - p2hat] /

Ö {[p1hat (1 - p1hat)/(n1 - 1] + [p2hat (1 - p2hat)/(n2 - 1]}

and, p1hat = x1/n1 p2hat = x2/n2

Or a better estimate is given by,

Z* = [(p1hat - p2hat] /

Ö {[pbar (1 - pbar)/(n1] + [pbar (1 - pbar)/(n2}


pbar = (x1 + x2)/(n1 + n2)

p1hat = x1/n1 p2hat = x2/n2

n1p1hat > 5 and n1(1 - p1hat ) > 5

n2p2hat > 5 and n2(1 - p2hat ) > 5

B. One-Tail (left) Tests on the Population Proportions, p 1 and p2, using Z

p1 and p2

Ho: p1 ³ p2

Ha: p1 < p2

Reject H o if Z* < - Z a

FTR(Support) H o if Z* ³ - Z a

C. One-Tailed (right) Tests on the Population Proportions,

p1 and p 2

Ho: p1 £ p2

Ha: p1> p2

Reject H o if Z* > Za

FTR(Support) H o if Z* £ Za

Once you have finished you should:

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E-mail Dr. James V. Pinto at
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