Pro-active Management
Pro-active Discipline: Text readings
Kohn, A. (1996). Beyond discipline: From compliance to community. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
The text for this one credit hour module comes from the writings of Alfie Kohn. He is an advocate of recognizing the good in human beings and supports education that builds children and community. He believes good teaching recognizes and contributes to the healthy functioning of our society. The Kohn text provides a context for developing more pro-active, student enhancing discipline and classroom management.
Module objectives:
- Conceptualize pro-active discipline as a systemic student focused process that assists in the education and development of student as personally responsible life-long learner.
- Develop theory and practice of respecting each individual and role in the classroom, based
on human nature and student needs.
- Describe preventive and supportive techniques of discipline that maintain or enhance structure, balance, roles, person building, esteem building and community building.
- Learn techniques for projecting a POSITIVE climate in the classroom and enumerate a variety of pro-active teaching roles and practices.
- Recognize and utilize the paradoxical nature of relationships among comfort zone, security, and growth, as well as the distinctions between power and control and consider techniques for circumventing power struggles, in preparing to implement processes in the classroom that recognize the individuality of student and teacher.
- Collect and practice using proactive discipline tools, including those that are preventive and supportive techniques. Examples: communication skills, classroom meetings, contracts.
Please personalize the use of the Kohn material.
- Begin by skimming through the text, finding the pattern the author uses to increase understanding of concepts and the rather interesting examples used to add depth and enrichment. Kohn does not offer specific solutions, so your final will include addressing the main issues he raises and creating a plan for building a pro-active classroom.
- Next, read the ten questions Kohn raises (pp.138-143).
- Now, move through his material at will.
Upon completion of the book, develop a list of pros and cons to Kohn’s ideas.
Suggested Contract |
1 |
Since Then Read |
Pre-test Personal readiness Implementation Plan |
Scores sent + /- tally |
2 |
Beyond Discipline
Web searches |
Read text by Kohn
Find sites |
Pros and Cons
Report at chat rooms, VCC |
3 |
Prevention Intro
Supportive Intro
Behavior Key |
Read Read Chart student path |
Develop intervention plan |
4 |
Archetypes (4)
Teaching roles (9)
Overview and tools |
Read nine teacher roles
Read list of tools |
Web search
Five minute essays (9)
Implement and develop tool |
5 |
Process Ed
Student Lessons
Dances with wills |
Reading |
Brief essay
Write a student lesson
Anger management |
6 |
Teacher Lessons |
Reading |
List for self development
Professional objective
Optional teacher lesson |
Kohn, A. (1990). The brighter side of human nature: Altruism and empathy in everyday life. New York: Basic.
Kohn, A. (1992). No contest: The case against competition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
This module is divided into 4 topics. To complete
this Module successfully, please complete the topics in the order shown
You should now:
Go on to Developmental Discipline
Go back to Behavioral Management in Special Education
E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu

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Northern Arizona University