Assignment Schedule 450/540

Daily Schedule
ECI 450/540 SecondaryMethods

Fall 2007


Syllabus ECI 450

Syllabus ECI 540

Standards link
Objectives Taxonomy
For Graduate Students ECI 540 Graduate Assignment, ECI540 Peer Evaluation

Week 14

Tuesday November 27
Art: Melissa Carter
Classroom Management Theory PPT

Thursday November 29
Art: Hayes Todd
Final Review and Meeting with Graduate Students

Week 15

Tuesday December 4
Graduate Integrated Lesson Presentation
Hand In classroom management plan embedded in Newsletter

Thursday December 6
Graduate Integrated Lesson Presentation

Week 16
Tuesday December 4
12:30 - 2:30 Final Exam

Rubric for Classroom Management Newsletter/Taskstream artifact

Classroom Management PBL Assignment

Completed Weeks listed below_____________________________________
Week 1
Tuesday, 8/28
Thanks for a great class!
Thursday, 8/30

Art Contribution: Dustin Evans
Small Group Work : The Art and Science of Teaching

Quotations for Art and Education

Week 2
Tuesday 9/4/07
Art: Amber Freeland
Presentation Method
Format for Written Presentation Lesson Plan
Notes for Presentation Model

Thursday 9/6/07
Art: Trevor Riddle and Chris Scott
Bring VCR Tape
Bring a lesson topic, a general objective, and two specific objectives.

Week 3

Presentation Peer Assessment
Tuesday 9/11/07
Show Time!!!!

You will teach a lesson from your content area using the presentation method that lasts from 12 - 15 minutes on Tuesday, September 11 or Thursday, September 13. You will teach this lesson to your assigned group. Meet in our class room #200 on Tuesday and Thursday and then you will go with your group to your assigned room to video tape the lessons.

Room 200 Benjamin Bird, Melissa Carter, Julie Cunningham, Laura Dinkins, Chris Scott, Sally NelsonRoom 186 Avari Copp, Kandi Crandell, Kristin Flin, Trevor Riddle, Dustin Evans, Erika Tsouras
Room 137B Amber Freeland, Mel Jorgenson, Laura Merino, Becky Williams, Kim
Thornton, Susan Detering
Room 208 Elyse Schwartz, Camilla Altree, Connor Gifford, Hayes Todd, Stephanie Powers, Alicia Al-Aryan

Thursday 9/13/07

Room 200 Benjamin Bird, Melissa Carter, Julie Cunningham, Laura Dinkins, Chris Scott, Sally Nelson
Room 186 Avari Copp, Kandi Crandell, Kristin Flin, Trevor Riddle, Dustin Evans, Erika Tsouras
Room 151 Amber Freeland, Mel Jorgenson, Laura Merino, Becky Williams, Kim
Thornton, Susan Detering
Room 156 Elyse Schwartz, Camilla Altree, Connor Gifford, Hayes Todd, Stephanie Powers, Alicia Al-Aryan

Week 4
Art: Mel Jorgenson and Chris Scot
Showcase: Susan Detering and Elyse Schwartz will present their micro lesson to the entire class
Brief quiz review for the Presentation Method

Art: Kristin Flin
Quiz #1 on Presentation Method
Presentation Assignment #1 Presentation Written Lesson Plan, Graphic Oganizer, 2 Peer Assessments, video reflection due

Week 5

Art: Laura Merino
Direct Instruction Example
Bring an example topic for direct instruction lesson from your content area.
Direct Instruction Method Notes, lesson plan notes
Peer Evaluation
Direct Instruction Written Lesson Plan

Art: Erika Tsouras

Power Point for Direct Instruction
Direct instruction

Week 6 October 2
Meet in room 200 at 12:45 and then you will go with your groups to your assigned rooms.Direct Instruction Assignment

Room 200 Kristin, Dustin, and Erika will teach - Avari , Kandi, Trevor will observe
Room 186 Benjamin, Laura, and Chris will Teach - Melissa, Julie, Sally will observe
Room 137B Hayes, Stephanie, and Alicia will Teach - Elyse, Camilla, Connor will observe
Room 208 Amber, Laura, and Susan will Teach, Mel, Becky, Kim will observe

October 4
Room 200 Avari, Trevor, Kandi will Teach - Kristin, Dustin , Erika will observe
Room 186 Melissa, Julie, Sally will Teach - Benjamin, Laura, and Chris will observe
Room 151 Mel, Becky, Kim will Teach - Amber, Laura, and Susan will observe
Room 156 Elyse, Camilla, Connor will teach - Hayes, Stephanie, and Alicia will observe

Micro lesson #2 Direct Instruction

Week 7 October 9

Art: Camilla Altree
Direct Instruction Showcase: Melissa Carter and Connor Gifford will Present
Direct Instruction Quiz Review

October 11
Art: Alicia Alaryan, Connor Gifford
Quiz #2 Direct Instruction
Direct Instruction Written Lesson Plan, Task Analysis, Reflection Due

Intro to Concept Attainment Instructional MethodConcept Attainment Format l
Concept Attainment Method Notes
Concept Attainment Ideas
Concept Attainment Presentation Peer Review Sheet

Power Point Concept Attainment

Week 8 October 16

Art: Benjamin Bird
Bring ideas from your content area for a Concept Attainment lesson
Concept Attainment Assignment Micro Teaching #3

October 18

Graduate Students will go over ECI 540 assignment and create working groups. Undergraduates do not have to come to class today.

Week 9
October 23
Rooms 200 and 208 have a dry erase, chalk board; Computer Counter with pad-cam,DVD, CD
Rooms 137B, and 186 have a dry erase board; Computer Cart with projector that has to be plugged in as well as the ethernet plugged in for internet; over head projector that requires transparancy which I am happy to make for you.

Show Time for concept attainment lesson
Room 200 Amber, Laura, and Kim will teach
Room 137B Benjamin, Melissa, and will teach
Room 186 Elyse, Camilla, Stephanie will teach
Room 208 Kristin, Dustin will te

Week 9 Thursday October 25
Micro Teaching #3

Rooms 200 have a dry erase, chalk board; Computer Counter with pad-cam,DVD, CD
Rooms 151, 156, and 186 have a dry erase board; Computer Cart with projector that has to be plugged in as well as the ethernet plugged in for internet; over head projector that requires transparancy which I am happy to make for you.

Room 200 Mel, Becky, and Susan will teach.
Room 186 Connor, Hayes, and Alicia will teach.
Room 151Julie, Laura D., Chris,and Sally will teach.
Room 156 Avari,Kandi, Trevor, and Erika will teach.

Week 10 October 30
Art: Elyse Schwartz
Concept Attainment Show Case: Erika Tsouras and Alicia Adelaide
Quiz Review

November 1
Art: Julie Cunningham, Laura Dinkins
Quiz #3
Lesson Plan, Reflection, Concept Attainment Due
Cooperative Learning Notes
Cooperative Learning Format

Week 11 November 6
Art: Kandi Crandell and Becky Williams
Cooperative Learning
Hand in your video tape, list the method you want graded, and cue up the tape to that lesson.

November 8
Art: Sally Nelson
Cooperative Learning

Week 12 November 13

Art: Kim Thornton, Susan Detering
Discuss Cooperative Learning instructional methods
Review for Quiz #4
Begin Classroom Management Unit
Classroom management Notes
Thursday November 15
Art: Steph Powers
Quiz # 4 Cooperative Learning
Hand In cooperative learning lesson Plan to substitute teacher

Week 13 November 20
Art: Avari copp
Work with a partner on Newsletter Classroom Management


STOP: The items below have not been revised!__________________________________________

Week 14:
Tuesday April 17

Attend "There's a Reason I'm A Teacher" conference brochure 8:00 a.m.

Thursday April 19
Conference paper due

Final Review

Week 13:

Read all of the artifacts provided on the PBL assignment below.
Watch the classroom video on the PBL site and write down everything you observe as being negative about the classroom management for Ms. Norton.

Grading Format for Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan Due to Substitute Teacher

Classroom Management Plan

News Letter Rubric and Prompt (The real one!)

work on PBL

Hand back graded cooperative learning Lesson Plan.

Week 12:

Art: Silas and Aaron
Thursday April 5
Kyle and Pete

Week 11
No Class

Quiz #3 on Concept Attainmnet
Turn in esson plan, peer assessments, video tape cued up to the lesson you want me to grade.
Begin Cooperative Learning

Week 10

Week 9:
Concept Attainment

Come to room 204 before going on to your taping classrooms.
Concept Attainment Presentation Peer Review Sheet


Week 8:

Bring a concept you would like to teach, a definition of that concept, and cirtical attributes of that concept.

Bring in Objectives and set for concept attainment. Be prepared to share them with the class.

Week 7:

Direct Instruction Showcase: Andrea Music
Engaged Learning Exercises
Direct Instruction Quiz Review

Quiz #2 Direct Instruction

Week 6: Direct Instruction Method

You will present a direct instruction lesson in your content area that lasts from 15 minutes on Tuesday, February 20 or Thursday February 22. You will teach this lesson to your assigned group. Meet in our class room #204 and then you will go with your group to your assigned room to video tape the lessons.


Week 5: Universal Design Chapter
Universal Design Handout

Direct Instruction
Bring in objectives and set for a direct instruction lesson. We will randomly select students to present them


Direct Instruction

We will go over task stream signature assignment and Universal Design

Week 4: Tuesday

Tuesday Show Case, Silas Pencille, Aaron Howard, Marissa Tyro
Quiz #1 Review


Art contribution: Marissa Tyro
Presentation Method: Lesson Plan, Graphic Organizer, 2 Peer Evaluations,Video Reflection Due!
Presentation Method 10 point Quiz


Week 3

Please come to room 204 to pick up your video cameras; then you will go to your assigned rooms. At least two students should teach a presentation lesson today. The technical person is the one who sets up the camera, video tapes everyone but him/herself, and returns the camera to my office when finished. I do not watch these video tapings. At the end of the semester you pick one out of three different video tapings that you want me to watch and grade.

I will have over head transparancies and markers if you need them. Also if you need me to copy the graphic organizer for you, I can do that.


Each student needs at least two Presentation Peer Evaluations filled out by your peers.

Art Contribution: Kate Granchelli
Presentation Method

Week 12:


Concept Attainment Power Point
Graduate Students ECI540 Rubric for final project

Please turn in a group member assessment for each member in your group:

Classroom Management Newsletter