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BA501 : The Class : Statistics : Regression Analysis : Introduction
Regression Introduction

Introduction- Lesson 1

Regression analysis is used primarily for predictive purposes. The result of the least squares method of simple regression is an estimated equation based on a sample. Statistics generated from a sample (the intercept and slope of the regression equation) are used as estimates of parameters in the population. Hypotheses tests are used to draw conclusions about the a claimed values for the populations parameters. Confidence intervals are used to attempt to quantify the populations parameters within a range of possible values. Analysis of variance is used to determine the coefficient of determination as a measure of the strength of the regression equation.

1. Least Squares Line- Simple Linear Regression

(A) Least Squares ( Regression ) Line-

(1) The "best fitting" line through the bivariate data (ordered pairs, x,y).

(2) For any x there are two associated y values:

(a) the observed value for y (in the ordered pair), and

(b) the predicted value, yhat, on the regression line.

(c) d = y - yhat

(d) S d = S (y - yhat) = 0

[1] When calculating a variance: S (x - xbar) = 0. Solved by squaring,

S (x - xbar)² (click me)

(e) d² = S (y - yhat) ²

(3) "Best fitting" means that the sum of the squared deviations of the observed data (ys) from the associated predicted values (yhats) is minimized.

(a) d² = S (y - yhat)² ( minimum possible)

(b) = SSE (Sum of Squared Errors)

(c) = SSy - [SCPxy]² / SSx


[1] SCPxy = [ S xy - (S x)( S y) / n]

[2] SSx = [S x²- (S x)² / n]

[3] SSy = [S y²- (S y)² / n]

(B) Slope of the Regression Line:

(1) b1 = D y / D x (click me)

(2) b1 = [S xy - (S x)( S y) / n] / [S x²- (S x)² / n]

(3) b1 = SCPxy / SSx


(a) SCPxy = S xy - (S x)(S y) / n

(b) SSx = S x²- (S x)² / n

(C) bo = y-intercept of the Regression Line:

bo = ybar - b1(xbar)


(1) xbar = S x / n

(2) ybar = S y / n

(D) Least Squared Regression Line Equation

(1) Yhat = bo + b1[x]


Question The regression line can be completely defined knowing the slope and the y axis intercept. True False (click one)

A simple linear regression is represented by a __________ line.
(insert answer)

2. The Simple Linear Regression Model

(A) Use a statistical model to represent a "true but unknown" relationship between X and Y.

(B) Y = b o + b 1[X] + e

(1) b o + b 1 are unknown parameters.

(2) e = error, the random part of model.

(3) bo (y axis intercept, statistic based on a sample) is an estimate of b o

(4) b1 (slope, statistic based on a sample) is an estimate of b 1

(C) Assumptions for the Simple Linear Regression Model-

(1) X is non-random.

(2) For each x, the random component is e (distribution of errors).

(a) The mean of each e component is zero.

(b) Each e component is normally distributed.

(c) The variance of each e component is same for each X.

(d) The errors are independent of each other. Note (click me)

(D) Estimating the Error Variance, s ²e

(1) s² = s ²e(hat) = estimate of s ²e = SSE / [n- 2]

= MSE Note (click me)

(a) MSE = Mean Square Error = SSE / (n - 2)

(2) SSE = S (y - yhat)²

= SSy - [SCPxy]² / SSx


[a] SSy = S y² - (S y)² / n

[b] SCPxy = S xy - (S x)(S y) / n

[c] SSx = S x² - (S x)² / n

(3) s = Ö s² = Ö [s ²e(hat)] = Ö (SSE / [n - 2]) = Ö MSE Note (click me)

Question The variance of the error term should take on different values associated with different x values in a given regression analysis. True False (click one)

The variance of the error term is also known as _________.
(insert answer)

3. Inference on the Slope, b 1

(A) Performing a Test of Hypothesis on the Slope of the Regression Line-

(1) If the population slope b 1 = 0, then x is not a good predictor of y.

Note (click me)

(2) If the population slope b 1 > 0, then x and y have a positive relationship. Note (click me)

(3) If the population slope b 1 < 0, then x and y have a negative relationship. Note (click me)

(B) Two tail tests

(1) Two-tail hypothesis:

Ho: b 1= 0 ( equals zero)

Ha: b 1 ¹ 0 ( does not equal zero)

(2) Table statistic for two-tail test: (critical value)

t a /2,(n - 2 ) Note (click me)

(3) Computed statistic: (for all tests)

t* = [b1 - b 1] / Sb1

= [b1 - b 1] / [ s / Ö SSx ]


(a) Sb1 = Standard Error of the Coefficient = s / Ö SSx Note (click me)

(b) s = Ö s² = Ö (SSE / [n - 2]) = Ö MSE

(c) SSE = S (y - yhat)2 = SSy - [SCPxy ] 2 / SSx

(d) SSy = S y²- (S y)² / n

(e) SCPxy = S xy - (S x)(S y) / n

(f) SSx = S x²- (S x)² / n

(4) Two Tail Hypothesis Test on the Slope of the Regression Line

Ho: b 1= 0

Ha: b 1 ¹ 0

Reject Ho if |t*| > t a / 2,(n - 2)

FTR(Support) Ho if |t*| £ t a / 2,(n - 2)

(5) The position of t* is determined by b1.

(C) One tail test right:

(1) One-tail right hypothesis:

Ho: b 1 £ 0 ( equal to or less than zero)

Ha: b 1 > 0 ( greater than zero)

(2) Table statistic for one-tail test right: (critical value)

t a, (n - 2 ) (full a and n - 2)

(3) Computed statistic: (for all tests)

t* = [b1 - b 1] / Sb1

(4) One Tail Hypothesis Test (Right) on the Slope of the Regression Line

Ho: b 1 £ 0

Ha: b 1 > 0

Reject Ho if t* > t a, (n - 2)

FTR(Support) Ho if t* £ t a, (n - 2)

(5) The position of t* is determined by b1.

(D) One tail test left:

(1) One-tail left hypothesis:

Ho: b1 ³ 0 ( equal to or grater than zero)

Ha: b1 < 0 ( less than zero)

(2) Table statistic for one-tail test right: (critical value)

- t a, (n - 2 ) (full a and n - 2)

(3) Computed statistic: (for all tests)

t* = [b1 - b 1] / Sb1

(4) One Tail Hypothesis Test (Left) on the Slope of the Regression Line

Ho: b 1 ³ 0

Ha: b 1 < 0

Reject Ho if t* < - t a, (n - 2)

FTR(Support) Ho if t* ³ - t a, (n - 2)

(5) The position of t* is determined by b1.

(E) Confidence Interval for b 1

(1) ± t a / 2,(n - 2) = [b1 - b 1] / Sb1 (solve for b 1)

(2) CI for b 1 = b1 ± [t a / 2,(n - 2)]Sb1

(a) b1 (sample statistic) is the point estimate of b 1 (population parameter).

(b) t a / 2, (n - 2) is the table t value which measures the number of standard errors of the coefficient.

(c) Sb1 is size of each standard error of the coefficient.

Question The confidence interval for b 1 uses a different standard error of the coefficient than used an hpothesis test on b 1. True False (click one)

Statistical evidence against Ho: b1 ³ 0 is found in the ______ tail of the distribution.
(insert answer)

4. Measuring the Strength of the Model: Coefficient of Determination

(A) Coefficient of Determination-

(1) Measures the percentage of variation in the dependent variable explained by the regression line.

(2) The variation of the observed value, y, from the average value, ybar.

(3) total variation

= explained variation + unexplained variation

= 100%

(4) SSy = SSR + SSE

(a) SSy = total variation Note (click me)

(b) SSR = explained variation Note (click me)

(c) SSE = unexplained variation (click me)

(5) SSy / SSy = SSR /SSy + SSE /SSy

(a) 1 = SSR / SSy + SSE / SSy

(b) (SSR / SSy)100 = % of variation of y explained by the position of the regression line.

(c) (SSE / SSy)100 = % of variation of y unexplained by the position of the regression line.

(6) r² = 1 - SSE / SSy = SSR / SSy

(a) SSy = S( y - ybar)² = S y² - (S y)² / n

(b) SSR = S(yhat - ybar)² = (SCPxy)² / [SSx]

(c) SSE = S(y - yhat )² = SSy - [SCPxy]²/SSx


[1] SCPxy = S xy - (S x)(S y) / n

[2] SSx = S x²- (S x)² / n

[3] SSy = S y² - (S y)² / n

(7) Also note: If r = [SCPxy] / (ÖSSx)(ÖSSy)

then: r2 = { [SCPxy] / (ÖSSx)(ÖSSy) }2 = [SCPxy] 2 / (SSx)( SSy)

Question If the regression line were flat with slope of zero, and Yhat = Ybar, which of the following would be equal to zero? SSy SSR SSE (click one)

If all the ordered pairs fall on the regression line, then _______ is equal to zero.
(insert answer)

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