CENE 410


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

CENE 410 Environmental Engineering Design, 3 credits
Fall 2001

2001-2003 Catalog Data: Design of environmental systems for solving air quality, water quality and waste management problems.
Prerequisites: MAT239, CENE330 or CENE332
Corequisites: CENE331 or CENE434
Coordinator: Bridget N. Bero, Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering
Office: Engineering Bldg. Rm #145
Office Phone: 523-2051
e-mail: bridget.bero@nau.edu
Office Hours: TBA and by appointment
Textbook: none

This course is designed to:

  1. Apply and refine previously learned design process skills (EGR186/286/386).
  2. Teach fundamental concepts of mass transfer and corresponding unit operations.
  3. Integrate fundamental and advanced concepts of environmental engineering (CENE150/280/280L/330/332/334) and regulations (CENE150/332/440) with design concepts and engineering economics in order to complete multi-leveled projects that are indicative of problems facing practicing engineers.
  4. Provide additional computer tools available to environmental professionals and apply them to problem solving situations.
  5. Develop excellence in team dynamics.
  6. Prepare students for the final capstone design course, CENE486.
Material covered includes:
  1. mass transfer (weeks 1-4)
  2. unit operations (weeks 4-7)
  3. CENE486 project preliminaries (weeks 8-11)
  4. landfill design (weeks 11-14)
  5. unit ops lab (week 15)
Course Structure: Open format; will include lecture, lab work, independent study, computer- and internet-based projects.
Homework & Quizzes 20%
486 proposal 20%
Landfill design report 25%
Lab report 10%
Exam 25%
Computer Usage: Computer software packages will be utilized in this course. All work turned in for credit must be prepared using appropriate word processing, CAD, spreadsheet tools.
Laboratory Experiments: Some laboratory based work accompanies this course.
ABET Category Content:
Engineering Science 1 credits 33%
Engineering Design 2 credits 67%
Prepared by: Bridget N. Bero
Date: December 10, 2001


CENE 502 | CENE 332 | CENE 410 | CENE 486