CENE 502


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

CENE 502 Principles of Environmental Transport Processes, 3 credits
Fall 2001

2001-2003 Catalog Data: The development of the balance laws for chemical species and the
application of these laws to describe mass transport processes in engineered and natural environmental systems.
Prerequisites: MAT239, CHM252, ME395 or ME291,or permission of instructor
Coordinator: Bridget N. Bero, Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering
Office: Engineering Bldg. Rm #145
Office Phone: 523-2051
e-mail: bridget.bero@nau.edu
Office Hours: TBA and by appointment
Textbook: Bruce E. Logan, Environmental Transport Processes, Wiley, 1999,
ISBN#0-471-18871-9. 2nd printing!

This course is designed to:
1. Teach fundamental concepts of mass transfer.
2. Apply these concepts to problems involving the air, water, soil and biota in natural and engineered environmental systems.
3. Provide the student with practice in study and critiquing of peer reviewed literature.

Material Covered Includes: 1. Chemicals
2. Equilibrium: chemical potential, fugacities
3. Diffusion
4. Balance laws
5. 3 Theories of Mass Transport
6. Mass Transfer Coefficients
7. Dispersion and Mixing in Rivers, Lakes, Oceans
8. Biofilms
9. Porous Media
Course Structure: Web-based. See: CENE 502
Homework 20%
Exams (3) 20% each
Paper 20%

ABET Category Content:
Engineering Science 3credits 100%
Engineering Design 0credits 0%
Prepared by: Bridget N. Bero
Date: December 10, 2001


CENE 502 | CENE 332 | CENE 410 | CENE 486