Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

CENE 486C Engineering Design, 3 credits
Spring 2001

2001-2003 Catalog Data: Involves design methodology and decision makin gand preparing team design projects that culminate in oral and written reports. Must be taken in the year in which you graduate.
Prerequisites: CENE386W plus CENE410 or CENE476
Coordinator: Bridget N. Bero, Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering
Office: Engineering Bldg. Rm #145
Office Phone: 523-2051
e-mail: bridget.bero@nau.edu
Office Hours: TBA and by appointment
Textbook: none

This course culminates the student's education with a realistic design experience, and guides the student in applying a systematic design methodology. Projects are sponsored by individual clients. Students work in teams directly with their clients within the course guidelines so as to maximize interaction with the sponsor. This course is designed to enhance awareness and develop capabilities in the following areas:
1. Team organization and management
2. Oral, written and graphical communications
3. Problem definition
4. Research - literature, state of the art, internet
5. Proposal writing
6. Project scheduling and management
7. Engineering documentation
8. Professionalism, ethics and aesthetics
9. Supplier management: specification, bidding process, procurement
10. Economics: time value of money, costs estimations, ROI, payout time

Course Structure: Open format; will include lecture, independent study, and group project meetings with the coordinator.
Evaluation will be made on an individual basis, and is made by the coordinator, the client, and peers. Peer evaluations are confidential, but will be documented. The following items are required for satisfactory completion of this course; the amount of points for each item is indicated. Descriptions of requirements for each letter grade are found on the following page.
1. Proposal (Final) 5
2. Proposal presentation 5
3. Design review presentation I 5
4. Design review presentation II 5
5. Weekly status reports 15
6. Final report 25
7. Final presentation 10
8. Poster 5
9. Client / advisor evaluation 5
10. Peer evaluation 10
11. Engineering notebook 10
ABET Category Content:
Engineering Science 0 credits 0%
Engineering Design 3 credits 100%
Prepared by: Bridget N. Bero
Date: December 10, 2001


CENE 502 | CENE 332 | CENE 410 | CENE 486