NAU Online Course Readiness Checklist
- The course should have a detailed syllabus, including preferred methods of communication, expected response time, and expectations for return of graded work.
- Course content should be up-to-date, appropriate to the subject audience, and free of errors.
- The course content should be the original work of the instructor or licensed for NAU use. Consider using OER content where available.
- All links to external websites should be checked to ensure they continue to function, and to ensure that the content on these sites has not changed.
- The course navigation/organizational structure and any instructions to students should be clear and intuitive.
- The course should generally use only NAU supported tools, and LMS tools should be named and used in a manner consistent with the NAU template.
- Course Assignments (work to be submitted by students) should have clear instructions and a grading rubric so students will know how they will be evaluated.
- Prompts for Discussion posts should be in place, and expectations should be set regarding what to post, when to post, and how it will be graded.
- Course Assessments (quizzes, tests) should be completely built before the class begins.
- The course should have a one-stop table of assignments with point values and due dates.
- Due dates for adaptive release, tests, quizzes and assignments should be checked and updated for the upcoming term if necessary.
- The course content should be made accessible using the ALLY tool, and course media should be captioned and/or have a text transcript.
Now that the course is ready for launch, consider the following best practices that relate to the teaching of the course. Here's another resource page with more details.