PERIOD: Pueblo II - Pueblo III

DATES: A.D. 1040-1210 (Mills, Goetze, and Zedeno 1993; but see Colton 1958; Downum 1988)

See Ware Description, except:

Surface Appearance: Interior of bowls and exterior of jars are polished, well-compacted, and often slipped. Often exterior of bowls are only scraped.

Surface Color: White, sometimes with bluish-gray tint.

Vessel Forms: Jars frequent, bowls and ladles rare.

Rims: Uniform side walls usually with rounded lip, flat or beveled lip rare.

Decoration and Paint: Painted. Carbon paint black, sometimes faded to light gray. Hatched design is diagnostic of this type. Framing lines are usually the same width as hatching lines. Rectilinear and sometimes curvilinear designs. Running bands are very common. Jar necks often have Sosi or Black Mesa designs.

RANGE: Northeastern Arizona, trade over a wide area.

COMPARISON: Polacca Black-on-white and Tusayan Black-on-white also have hatched designs, however these are usually in combination with solid elements. Also, the framing lines on these types are wider than the hatching lines. Padre Black-on-white (Little Colorado White Ware) has a dark gray paste, thick white slip, and sherd temper. Gallup Black-on-white (Cibola White Ware) has mineral paint and sherd temper.


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Dogoszhi Black-on-white