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Home : BioPhysical Module : PEPSI : Emotional



1. What is a student like who does not feel safe?

2. How can a teacher build trust for a student?

3. What is a safe climate in the school?

4. Does safe mean that students should not be challenged? pushed?

5. What can the teacher do to increase the number of students who have

  • a sense of trust . . .
  • a sense of autonomy . . .
  • of initiative . . .
  • of industry . . .

List some of the means for accomplishing these goals in your classroom.

6. Some experts believe that growth occurs in a safe environment. Is that so?


  • What would a safe school environment be?
  • How would you increase safety in the classroom you observed?
  • What will you do to provide safety in your classroom?


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E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at

Course Created by J'Anne Ellsworth & Center for Technology Enhanced Learning

Copyright © 2001 Northern Arizona University

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