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Home : BioPhysical Module : PEPSI : Observations & Charts

Caution: There are important things to remember when observing youngsters.

You want an opportunity to learn, but you do not want to interfere with the flow of the classroom.

You want to gain experience but you do no harm.

It is a good idea to be clear with the teacher about what you will be doing.

Provide a copy of the assignment, if you wish, and find a time that will be the least disruptive for the students.

If the teacher wants to chat with you while students are working, that is his or her option, but do not go in expecting to monopolize the teacher's time.

PEPSI Observations

You will probably want to print these out. For each observation, there is a matching reflection page. You can give yourself an emerald for each observation and reflection you complete.

  1. PEPSI Observation: Physical
  2. PEPSI Reflections: Physical
  3. PEPSI Observation: Emotional
  4. PEPSI Reflections: Emotional
  5. PEPSI Observation: Philosophical
  6. PEPSI Reflections: Philosophical
  7. PEPSI Observation: Social
  8. PEPSI Reflections: Social
  9. PEPSI Observation: Intellectual
  10. PEPSI Reflections: Intellectual

PEPSI Charts:

  1. Year 1
  2. Year 2
  3. Year 3
  4. Year 4
  5. Year 5
  6. Year 6
  7. Year 7
  8. Year 8
  9. Year 9
  10. Year 10
  11. Year 11
  12. Early Adolescence
  13. Late Adolescence

Remember - children grow and develop in a step-wise manner. They do not always grow up at the same rate as their chronological ages. When looking at these charts, remember that the list of characteristics are compiled by looking at thousands of children. A child may be ten and doing some things that are ninish or early adolescent. It varies and it is normal for a child to grow at a personalized pace. The idea is to locate strengths and growth areas and appreciate the child, not to label, cheer or be disappointed by the findings.

Once you have completed this topic you should:

Go on to Assignment 1
Go back to Online Reading


J'Anne Ellsworth at

Course Created by J'Anne Ellsworth & Center for Technology Enhanced Learning

Copyright © 2001 Northern Arizona University

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